Sensor Development

Vijay Vaidyanathan
Vijay Vaidyanathan
Department Chair
Biomedical Engineering, UNT
Nigel Shepherd
Nigel Shepherd
Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering, UNT
Xiao Li
Xiao Li
Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering, UNT
Clement Chan
Clement Chan
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, UNT


Sensor Implementation

Andrey Voevodin
Andrey Voevodin
Materials Science and Engineering, UNT
Melanie Ecker
Melanie Ecker
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, UNT


Data Analytics and Processing

Mark Albert
Mark Albert
Assistant Pofessor
Computer Science and Engineering, UNT



Rita Patterson
Rita Patterson
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, UNTHSC
Caroline Rickards
Caroline Rickards
Associate Professor
Physiology and Anatomy, UNTHSC
Steven Romero
Steven Romero
Assistant Professor
Physiology and Anatomy, UNTHSC
Leigh Johnson
Leigh Johnson
Associate Professor
Pharmacology and Neuroscience, UNTHSC