Corporate Partners

Platinum Level Partners:

State Farm logo

Gold Level Partners:

Peterbilt logo Reiter logo Titus logo

Industry Opportunities

At UNT's College of Engineering, we aim to educate the next generation of engineers through practical, hands-on learning that engages the student and allows them to apply theoretical concepts to real-world application.

And that can't be accomplished without help from our industry partners who have been where our students are and know what it takes to succeed. Here are some ways you and your company could get involved and help future engineers:

  • Recruit our students: Recruit the industry's freshest talent by making jobs, internships, or co-ops available for students to apply to. You can also host tables at our bi-annual Career Fair or anytime at our 300-acre Discovery Park campus to meet with students and create visibility for your company's brand. 
  • Get involved in student organizations: Be a guest speaker, host an industry night or facility tour, underwrite student chapter activities or sponsor student travel to industry events.
  • Host an event: Arrange company informational booths and sessions at the college, provide resume workshops, or organize a hack-a-thon.
  • Sponsor a senior capstone project: Sponsor a project and be a mentor to engineering students in their final year. Doing so not only helps your company find a solution to one of your long-standing projects, but also gives you an opportunity to evaluate and recruit the students you're working with.
    Learn more about the capstone program and how to sponsor a project
    Submit your project
  • Establish a scholarship: What better way to help future students than by establishing or contributing to a scholarship fund? You could set up an annual scholarship gift, contribute to a Grad Track scholarship fund that supports engineering graduate students, endow a scholarship, or provide a scholarship for your company's UNT interns.
  • Invest in faculty research: Sponsor research contracts with faculty; advance research by providing gifts for lab equipment; provide an in-kind gift of hardware, software, or equipment; or provide a gift through the act of service.
  • Join the Industrial Advisory Board: As a member of the IAB, you'll be able to support, advise and promote the college's research an education mission through a variety of ways: writing letters of support for faculty research proposals and/or Excellence Centers to elected representatives, consult and advise on curriculum, provide reviews and critiques of faculty research proposals, host tours of your company's facilities, and co-sponsor special events with the college.
  • Provide a transformational gift: Create a long-lasting impact on the university by endowing faculty chairs or professorships and Ph.D. student and postdoctoral fellowships or provide a naming gift to build or improve facilities.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We're confident you have other creative ways to engage with the College of Engineering, and we'd love to hear them. To learn more or to discuss your idea, please contact Angus McColl.

We'd love it if you helped shape the next generation of engineers.