Welcome to UNT Engineering! Our facility is located at the UNT Discovery Park campus. This campus is in north Denton, Texas and is approximately 5 miles away from the main UNT campus. We offer tours of our engineering facility to prospective and current students. Tours are led by our Engineering Ambassadors who will be able to review our admissions criteria, introduce our laboratories for each department and provide an inside view of what it is to be an Engineering Major at the University of North Texas.

Meet the ambassadors


In-Person Tour of College of Engineering

Visit https://tours.unt.edu and select College of Engineering Tour to choose from the available time/dates to schedule an engineering tour. Confirmation and reminder emails will be sent to you after you schedule your tour. Please check your spam/junk/etc. folders in case the emails are redirected from your inbox to one of those folders. Emails include the time, date, parking information and meeting location for your tour at the UNT Discovery Park campus.

Discovery Park maps and directions

Virtual Tour

You can also take a trip through the halls of Discovery Park by going on our 360 Virtual Tour. 

360 Virtual Tour


Other Ways to Learn About College of Engineering

Our five department websites provide information about the department, degrees, admissions and courses.

Talk with our Student Engineering Ambassadors.

For More Information

Visit our contact page.