Step 1 Instructor

Student must discuss in writing the course grade with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the issue. No later than 10 calendar days after the start of the following academic term.

Step 2 Department or Associate Chair

Student must initiate a formal grade appeal in writing to the department chair within five weeks (35 calendar days) of the date the grade was officially posted. The chair refers the appeal to a faculty committee within 7 calendar days of receiving the formal appeal.

Step 3 Faculty Committee

The faculty Committee will review the appeal and give the final resolution to the Chair. A grade appeal case should be resolved within five weeks (35 calendar days) of the chair's receipt of the written appeal.

Step 4 Department Chair

The department chair notifies both student and instructor of the final resolution to change or not change the grade. A grade appeal case should be resolved within five weeks (35 calendar days) of the chair's receipt of the written appeal.

Step 5 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

If either student or instructor believes there was a procedural error in the process, that party may request reconsideration on procedural grounds by filing a  written request for review to the dean within 7 calendar days of having received notice of the resolution. This request must specifically state the procedural grounds for requesting the reconsideration. If the dean determines that the procedures were followed, the dean responds in writing that the faculty committee's determination has been upheld. The decision of the dean is final.       

Dr. Stephanie Ludi - Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

UNT Grade Appeals Policy