Academic Alert

Freshmen (students with fewer than 30 attempted hours) whose cumulative UNT GPA falls below 2.00 for the first time are placed on Academic Alert. Students on Alert are required to seek Academic Coaching offered by the Learning Center in Sage Hall during their Alert semester. Students can only be placed on Academic Alert once; they must raise their cumulative UNT GPA to 2.00 or higher during their Academic Alert semester or they will be placed on PROBATION.

Academic Probation

Students not eligible for Academic Alert whose cumulative UNT GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on Probation. Students on Probation during a Fall or Spring semester must raise their cumulative UNT GPA to 2.00 to return to good standing with the University or earn a semester GPA of at least 2.25 to remain on Probation and avoid Suspension. Students should seek Academic Coaching offered by the Learning Center in Sage Hall during their probation semester.

Academic Suspension

During a Fall or Spring semester, Probation students who fail to raise their cumulative UNT GPA to a 2.00 or earn a 2.25 semester GPA are placed on Suspension for one or more semesters. A first Suspension is for one long semester, a second Suspension is for two long semesters, and a third Suspension is indefinite. Students placed on a first or second academic suspension may be eligible for readmissions to the College of Engineering after having not attended UNT for their prescribed period of time. After students complete their Suspension period, they may petition the College of Engineering for reinstatement. If the petition for reinstatement is disapproved, a student may not file another petition until the following term. If the petition is approved, a student will return on Probation and will be required to seek Academic Coaching offered by the Learning Center in Sage Hall during their probation semester. Students placed on a third (indefinite) suspension will be dismissed permanently from the College of Engineering but may be allowed to return to UNT after a period of 4 long semesters to seek a non-engineering degree/major.

Summer Sessions and Academic Status

Students who are on Probation cannot be placed on Suspension as a result of summer grades at UNT; however, students in good standing with the university may be placed on Probation as a result of summer grades at UNT. Suspension students are eligible and strongly encouraged to take summer courses at UNT. Students on Suspension who attend UNT during the summer and raise their cumulative UNT GPA to 2.00 are eligible to attend UNT during the Fall semester.


When students are placed on Academic Alert, Probation, and Suspension, it is mandatory that they make an appointment with a College Advisor as soon as possible. If a student participated in Early Registration, his or her classes for the next semester will likely need to be changed because of prerequisites and necessary repeats of failed courses. Students on Academic Alert, Academic Probation, or returning from Academic Suspension will have an "Advising Required" hold on their account and must meet with a College Advisor before they can register for courses. Students placed on Suspension will have their Early Registration cancelled and should meet with a College Advisor to discuss their academic plans for improving their status.

Another important reason these students should meet with an advisor is to discuss what academic and personal issues contributed to their situation and find out if there are any campus resources that can help students resolve those issues. In most cases, there are free campus resources such as tutoring, counseling, money management advice, and many others that can significantly improve students' chances of academic success. Many students feel that they are all alone in their struggle to make good grades, but advising can help them understand that there is an active support system for them in the University community.

Additional information pertaining to academic status can be found in the UNT catalog.