Wonbong Choi

Materials Science and Engineering,Mechanical Engineering
University Distinguished Research Professor
Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

Discovery Park C136B

Wonbong Choi

Faculty Info | Research Profile | Website | Google Scholar

  • Ph.D. in Department of Material Science & Engineering (1997), North Carolina State University
  • M.S. in Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1988), Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
  • B.S. in Department of  Metallurgical Engineering (1986), Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

Dr. Choi is an internationally recognized researcher in nanotechnology and has conducted pioneering research on synthesis of nanomaterials and applications in electronic devices and rechargeable batteries. 

Dr. Choi awarded MRS Fellow title as the youngest person in 2009; the title of MRS Fellow honors members of the Materials Research Society who are notable for their distinguished research accomplishments and their outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials research, world-wide. The maximum number of new Fellow appointments each year is limited to 0.2% of the current MRS membership.

He has received numerous awards including MRS Medal Award (2006), Samsung Best Patent Award (2002), Samsung Best Paper Award (2002), Samsung Golden Technology Award (1998), CENG Research Award (UNT, 2020), Research Leadership Award (UNT, 2020). 

One of the remarkable achievements in his research career was the invention of “Carbon Nanotube Flat Panel Display”, which was recognized as the first nanotechnology device and the result was reported in Science and was covered extensively by news media around the world. His inventions in carbon nanotube flat panel display with high emission and nano-second switching capability can transform its superior functionality in multitude of applications such as 2D digital X-ray and/or back lighting.  His work has led to a demonstration by SAMSUNG of over 40-inch field emission flat panel display. The result led to more than 10 journal papers and 5 patents, and SAMSUNG Golden technology Award.

Dr. Choi pioneered to apply carbon nanotubes in electronic devices such as CNT vertical transistor, CNT phase change memory device, and CNT interconnect. The results were published in ~10 papers and ~10 patents, and reported in news media including YTN News and numerous News Papers such as Maeil Business, Seoul Economy, and Hankook Ilbo. The subsequent work on the CNT electronic interconnect concept to achieve nanodevice with high current density capability led to a solution for nano-memory device in SAMSUNG, which led to SAMUNG best patent award.

In addition, Dr. Choi is credited to invention of the single molecular DNA-sensor based on carbon nanotube array has potential application of identification of specific genes based on the hybridization-induced change in electrical signal. This platform could also be used in fundamental research studies understanding the properties of DNA at single molecular level. Variations of the technology could also be useful in such areas as revealing the presence of disease related genes, bacterial and viral. His innovation was patented (US Patent US8,597,492 B2) and reported in Nano Letters ("Direct Electrical Measurements on Single-Molecule Genomic DNA Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes"), and news media in the TRN News (January 2002), MIT’s Magazine (June 2003), Analytical Chemistry (2006), Nanowerk (2007), Nature Nanotechnology (2008).

Dr. Choi invented novel rechargeable battery technologies, including an innovative structure of Li-S battery with a molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) film coated Li metal anode and a catalyst assisted 3D carbon nanotube fiber (CNF) cathode. The invented Li-S battery has shown the high gravimetric energy density greater than 500Wh/kg, which is at least two times higher than Li-ion battery and significantly lighter (50%) than conventional Li-ion batteries.  The results were reported in several journal papers including Nature Nanotechnology (2018), Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2020), ACS Nano (2020), and Journal of Power Sources (2021). His novel Li-S battery technology is significant for the development of advanced UAVs that require an energy storage system capable of lasting for long endurance flights. His team has further improved the energy density of Li-S batteries through the one-dimensional grain boundary diffusion of ions through layered two-dimensional materials. He founded a start-up company and licensed from UNT for developing practical rechargeable batteries. His current work is focused on continuing advancements in the development of solid-state rechargeable batteries.
His innovation was patented in UNT (US 63/137,712, UNTP.P0030US.P1/1001149409; U.S. application No. 17/219,523 (2020); 63/170,862 (2021); PCT/US18/17585; PCT/US2017/026659) and reported in News media such as North Texas Daily (March 20, 2018); Newspapers (Seoul Economy, VERITAS, Korea Research Journal, UNT Research News Letter.

He is an author/co-author of over 80 patents, 1 book (Graphene), 11 book chapters, and 260 publications (Google Scholar citations >16,000, h-index 65). He served as Editor-in-Chief in Nanoscience and Technology, Topical Editor in Current Applied Physics (Elsevier), editor of Materials Science and Research, Guest Editor of Battery (MDPI), and a member of editorial boards of several journals. Since joining the UNT in the Fall of 2012, Dr. Choi has published over 50 peer reviewed journal papers, and the majority papers are found in high impact journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Scientific Report, Small, Materials Today and so on. Dr. Choi has issued and filed 10 patents at UNT. Three of the issued patents have been licensed to a company to make the technology for practical products. He is a founder of the ARK Power Technology Co. and raised ~$600k for the first round.

Dr. Choi has received numerous research grants from NSF, AFOSR, DARPA, SRC, DOE, and industry, including Samsung with totaling ~ $7.0M (his portion). In 2021, he currently has over $1.2M in active research funding from NSF, DOE, AFOSR, and DOD to develop new materials, functional devices, and next generation integrated rechargeable batteries, in addition, he has two service contracts (~$50k) and gift funds (~$80k) from industries.  

At UNT, Dr. Choi mentored a group of 7 PhD, 5 MS, and 10 undergraduate students; gave over 100 presentations at international meetings and conferences; and had ~60 invited talks at international meetings, conferences, universities. His students received several award for their excellent research work including Excellence Award in the Graduate section of the 2019 ASM North Texas Research Symposium; Eunho Cha, a Ph.D. student, was awarded 2nd place in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition (2018); Juhong Park, a Ph.D. student, awarded the Best Poster Award in Electrochemical Society (ECS) in 2018; Sarah Zou, a TAMS student, was honored in National Regeneron Science Talent Search in 2018; and Santanu Das, a postdoc researcher, was awarded the Best Poster Award in 2013 MRS Fall meeting.


We are conducting basic and applied research at the frontier of nanomaterials and their applications in rechargeable batteries, nanoelectronics, and bioelectronics. Our passion lies in the discovery, understand and application of new paradigms to enable next generation devices and systems that can address societal needs.

May 2021 Research Leadership Award, UNT Division of Research and Innovation (2021).

March 2021 Acknowledged in UNT: “Studying High-charge Transport in 2D Materials”

September 2020: Dr. Choi has been awarded the 2020 College of Engineering Research Award.

September 2020: UNT will participate in a $1.5 million DOE grant to innovate 3D printed materials for cars, https://engineering.unt.edu/news/unt-will-participate-15-million-doe-grant-innovate-3d-printed-materials-cars; Dallas Innovates (https://dallasinnovates.com/unt-to-advance-3d-printing-for-automobiles-through-a-1-5m-department-of-energy-grant/); Denton Record-Chronicle, (https://dentonrc.com/education/unt-researchers-receive-grant-to-develop-3d-printed-automotive-parts/article_00cdd0ec-b665-5662-818a-3cd5e993bdeb.html)

October 2019: Reported in news media, “Researchers developing an internal sensor for use in total knee replacement surgeries”:

February 2018: Our paper published in Nature Nanotechnology has been reported in news media (https://engineering.unt.edu/news/researchers-create-lithium-ion-replacement)

  • North Texas Daily (March 20, 2018): UNT professors, graduate students create new battery with up to six times more battery life
  • Newspapers (Seoul Economy, VERITAS, Korea Research Journal): Professor Choi at UNT create environmentally friendly, more efficient replacement for lithium ion batteries 
  • Korea Research Journal
  • UNT Research News Letter (February, 2018): UNT researchers develop material that could lead to next-generation, ultra-thin electronic devices

2017: Featured Article on Materials360 Online: http://www.materials360online.com/newsDetails/61817, “Two new methods reported for growing MoS2 on a large scale”

December 2017: Our paper published in  Scientific Report (Nature)  has been advertised in UNT News.


Please visit Faculty Info page and click "Publications" tab.

Professional Experience
  • July 2012 – Present  Professor, University of North Texas
  • Aug. 2011 – July 2012  Professor, Florida International University
  • Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2012  WCU Professor, Energy Engineering Dept., Hanyang University
  • June 2003 – July 2011  Associate Professor, Florida International University (Tenured)
  • March 1998 – June 2003  Senior Researcher & Project Manager, Samsung SAIT, Korea
  • March 1997 – March 1998  Post Doctoral Researcher
  • Feb. 1988 – July 1993  Research Scientist, Agency for Defense Development, Korea
International Patents
  1. Micro-Supercapacitor based on two-dimensional materials, Wonbong Choi, 04192016, Patent Application Serial No. 62/319,329
  2. LARGE SCALE AND THICKNESS-MODULATED MoS2 NANOSHEETS Wonbong Choi, Nitin Choudhary, 09292015, Application number US 14/868,428,  US 20160093491 A1
  3. W. Choi, I. Lahiri, C. Kang, High efficiency lithium ion battery anode based on 2- and 3-dimensional carbon nanotube-metal/alloy substrates, US Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61567979 (Filed on December 7, 2011).
  4. Choi, W.B., Cho, S.J. & Lahiri, I., High efficiency lithium ion battery anode using interface-controlled binder-free carbon nanotubes grown on metal/alloy substrates, US Patent Appl. No. 61/222,481 (2009)
  5. “MultiSensor Biochip for point-of-care clinical diagnosis” (US Patent filed), FIU (2005)
  6. “Nanoscale DNA Detection System Using Species- and Disease-Specific Probes for Rapid Identification” US Patent US8,597,492 B2 (Dec.3, 2013)
  7. “Miniaturized energy-efficient plasma generator”, Wonbong Choi, FIU (2004)
  8. “Method of synthesizing Y-junction single-walled carbon nanotubes and products formed thereby”, Y. Choi and W. Choi, FIU (2004)
  9. USA, '009,145 (12/13/2004), “Vertical carbon nanotube-field effect transistor and method of manufacturing the same”.
  10. CHINA, 200410034828.5 (4/15/2004), “Method of forming conductive line for semiconductor device using carbon nanotube and semiconductor device manufactured using the method”.
  11. JAPAN, 2004-137261 (5/6/2004), “Method of forming conductive line for semiconductor device using carbon nanotube and semiconductor device manufactured using the method”.
  12. USA, 835,044 (4/30/2004), “Method of forming conductive line for semiconductor device using carbon nanotube and semiconductor device manufactured using the method”
  13. EUROPE, 04252117.9 (4/8/2004), “Method of forming conductive line for semiconductor device using carbon nanotube and semiconductor device manufactured using the method”.
  14. CANADA, 03136336.9 (5/29/2003), “Memory device utilizing vertical nanotubes”.
  15. EUROPE, 03013966.1 (6/20/2003), “Memory device utilizing vertical nanotubes”.
  16. JAPAN, 2003-401458 (12/1/2003), “Memory device utilizing vertical nanotubes”.
  17. USA, 747,438 (12/30/2003), “Memory device utilizing vertical nanotubes”.
  18. CANADA, 200310113815.2 (11/4/2003), “Nonvolatile memory device utilising vertical nanotube”.
  19. EUROPE, 03257104.4 (11/11/2003), “Nonvolatile memory device utilising vertical nanotube”.
  20. JAPAN, 2003-384459 (11/14/2003), “Nonvolatile memory device utilising vertical nanotube”.
  21. USA, 713,214 (11/17/2003), 6,930,343 (8/16/2005) “Nonvolatile memory device utilising vertical nanotube”.
  22. USA, 601,872 (6/24/2003), “Carbon nanotubes for fuel cells, method for manufacturing the same, and fuel cell using the same”.
  23. JAPAN, 2003-281779 (7/29/2003), 3705795 (8/5/2005) “Carbon nanotubes for fuel cells, method for manufacturing the same, and fuel cell using the same”.
  24. CANADA, 03145137.3 (6/23/2003) “Carbon nanotubes for fuel cells, method for manufacturing the same, and fuel cell using the same”.
  25. CANADA, 03107258.5 (3/19/2003) “Method of manufacturing inorganic nanotube”.
  26. JAPAN, 2003-174325 (6/19/2003) “Method of manufacturing inorganic nanotube”.
  27. USA, 464,860 (6/19/2003) “Method of manufacturing inorganic nanotube”.
  28. EUROPE, 03251320.2 (3/5/2003) “Method of manufacturing inorganic nanotube”.
  29. CANADA, 03145424.0 (5/3/2003) “Semiconductor carbon nanotubes fabricated by hydrogen functionalization and method for fabricating the same”.
  30. EUROPE, 03252763.2 (5/1/2003) “Semiconductor carbon nanotubes fabricated by hydrogen functionalization and method for fabricating the same”.
  31. USA, 428,835 (5/5/2003) “Semiconductor carbon nanotubes fabricated by hydrogen functionalization and method for fabricating the same”.
  32. JAPAN, 2003-0126118 (5/1/2003) “Semiconductor carbon nanotubes fabricated by hydrogen functionalization and method for fabricating the same”.
  33. CANADA, 03128592.9 (2/9/2003) “Memory device utilizing carbon nanotubes and method of fabricating the memory device”.
  34. EUROPE, 03250805.3 (2/7/2003) “Memory device utilizing carbon nanotubes and method of fabricating the memory device”.
  35. USA, 361,024 (2/10/2003) “Memory device utilizing carbon nanotubes and method of fabricating the memory device”.
  36. JAPAN, 2003-0030273 (2/7/2003) “Memory device utilizing carbon nanotubes and method of fabricating the memory device”.
  37. JAPAN, 2003-30522 (2/7/2003) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  38. USA, 225,431(8/22/2002) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  39. CANADA, 02130478.5 (8/21/2002) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  40. EUROPE, 02255824.1 (8/21/2002) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  41. USA, 225,431 (9/27/2004) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  42. USA, 138,691 (5/27/2005) “Memory device with quantum dot and method for manufacturing the same”.
  43. USA, 255,198 (9/25/2002) “Biochip including carbon nanotubes and method for sample separation using the same”.
  44. EUROPE, 02021881.4 (9/30/2002) “Biochip including carbon nanotubes and method for sample separation using the same”.
  45. JAPAN, 2002-370793 (12/20/2002) “Biochip including carbon nanotubes and method for sample separation using the same”.
  46. CANADA, 02143346.1 (9/26/2002) “Biochip including carbon nanotubes and method for sample separation using the same”.
  47. USA, 252,085 (9/23/2002) “High density data recording/erproduction method utilizing electron emission and phase change media, and data recording system adopting the same, and media for the system”.
  48. JAPAN, 2002-270422 (9/17/2002) “High density data recording/erproduction method utilizing electron emission and phase change media, and data recording system adopting the same, and media for the system”.
  49. CANADA, 02129754.1 (8/13/2002) “High density data recording/erproduction method utilizing electron emission and phase change media, and data recording system adopting the same, and media for the system”.
  50. EUROPE, 02255382.0 (8/1/2002) “High density data recording/erproduction method utilizing electron emission and phase change media, and data recording system adopting the same, and media for the system”.
  51. USA, 090,629 (3/6/2002) “High-density information storage apparatus using electron emission and methods of writing, reading and erasing information using same”.
  52. JAPAN, 2002-103767 (4/5/2002) “High-density information storage apparatus using electron emission and methods of writing, reading and erasing information using same”.
  53. CANADA, “High-density information storage apparatus using electron emission and methods of writing, reading and erasing information using same”.
  54. EUROPE, “High-density information storage apparatus using electron emission and methods of writing, reading and erasing information using same”.
  55. WO, PCT/KR02/01544 (8/13/2002) “Sensor for detecting biomolecule using carbon nanotubes”.
  56. USA, 240,227 (9/27/2002) “Sensor for detecting biomolecule using carbon nanotubes”.
  57. USA, 160,102 (6/4/2002) 6,794,666 (9/21/2004) “Electron emission lithography apparatus and method using selectively grown carbon nanotube”.
  58. JAPAN, 2002-162592 (6/4/2002) “Electron emission lithography apparatus and method using selectively grown carbon nanotube”.
  59. CANADA, 02144390.4 (6/4/2002), ZL02411390.4 (3/16/2005) “Electron emission lithography apparatus and method using selectively grown carbon nanotube”.
  60. USA, 891,240 (6/27/2001), 6,566,704 (5/20/2003) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  61. CANADA, 01122021.X (6/22/2001), ZL01122021.X (3/16/2005) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  62. JAPAN, 2001-192414 (6/26/2001) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  63. USA, 386,536 (3/13/2003), 6,833,567 (12/21/2004) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  64. USA, 387,561 (3/14/2003), 6,855,641 (2/15/2005) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  65. USA, 388,450 (3/17/2003), 6,815,294 (11/9/2004) “Vertical nano-size transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufacturing method thereof”.
  66. CANADA, 1111250.6 (3/12/2001), 01111250.6 (1/19/2005) “Field emission array with carbon nanutubes and method for fabricating the field emission array”.
  67. Great Britain, 106005.2 (3/12/2001), 2361805 (9/29/2004) “Field emission array with carbon nanutubes and method for fabricating the field emission array”.
  68. JAPAN, 2001-124604 (4/23/2001) “Field emission array with carbon nanotubes and method for fabricating the field emission array”.
  69. USA, 837,225 (4/19/2001), 6,642,639 (11/4/2003) “Field emission array with carbon nanotubes and method for fabricating the field emission array”.
  70. USA, 658,526 (9/10/2003) “Field emission array with carbon nanotubes and method for fabricating the field emission array”.
  71. EUROPE, 1302389 (3/15/2001) “Method of vertically aligning carbon nanotubes on substrates at low pressure and low pressure using thermal chemical vapoor deposition with DC bias”.
  72. JAPAN, 2001-73546 (3/15/2001) “Method of vertically aligning carbon nanotubes on substrates at low pressure and low pressure using thermal chemical vapoor deposition with DC bias”.
  73. USA, 808,011 (3/15/2001), 6,673,392 (1/6/2004) “Method of vertically aligning carbon nanotubes on substrates at low pressure and low pressure using thermal chemical vapour deposition with DC bias”.
  74. EUROPE, 303448.5 (4/25/2000) “Secondary electron amplification structure employing carbon nanotube, and plasma display panel and back light using the same”.
  75. USA, 562,891 (5/1/2000), 6,346,775 (2/12/2002) “Secondary electron amplification structure employing carbon nanotube, and plasma display panel and back light using the same”.
  76. JAPAN, 2000-334120 (11/1/2000) “Secondary electron amplification structure employing carbon nanotube, and plasma display panel and back light using the same”.
  77. DE, 10020383.3 (4/26/2000) “Method of manufacturing carbon nanotube field emitter by electrophoretic deposition”.
  78. JAPAN, 2000-239544 (8/8/2000) “Method of manufacturing carbon nanotube field emitter by electrophoretic deposition”.
  79. USA, 603,201 (6/26/2000), 6,616,497 (9/9/2003) “Method of manufacturing carbon nanotube field emitter by electrophoretic deposition”.
  80. Great Britain, 10071.9 (4/25/2000) “Method of manufacturing carbon nanotube field emitter by electrophoretic deposition”.
  81. USA, 570,403 (5/12/2000), 6,440,761 (8/27/2002) “Carbon nanotube field emission array and method for fabricating the same”.
  82. USA, 191,492 (7/10/2002) “Carbon nanotube field emission array and method for fabricating the same”.
Korean Domestic Patents
  1. Y. H. Lee, W. B. Choi, 'Fabrication of a semiconducting carbon nanotube by hydrogen functionalization'  (수소 기능화에 대한 반도체 탄소나노튜브 및 그 제조방법), application number: 2002-0024476, 2002.05.03.
  2. W. B. Choi, Y. H. Lee, J. W. Lee, 'Vertical nanosize transistor using carbon nanotubes and manufactoring method thereof', application number: 10-2000-35702, 2000.06.27.
  3. Y. H. Lee, W. B. Choi, J. W. Lee, 'Design of CNT-transistor vertically grown using a nanomask by chemical vapor deposition', application number: 10-2000-35703, 2000.06.27.
  4. Y. H. Lee, K. H. An, and J. E. Yu, 'Supercapacitor using electrode of new material', application number: 00-19232, 2000.04.12.
  5. Y. H. Lee, Y. C. Choi, B. S. Lee, W. B. Choi, N. S. Lee, J. M. Kim, 'Growth method for vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by changing morphologies of transition metal thin films', 2000.06, application number: 00-25333.
  6. Y. H. Lee, J. M. Kim, N. S. Lee, and W. B. Choi, 'Method of larger area, vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on substrates at low temperature and low pressure using TCVD', 2000.03.15, application number: 00-13039.
  7. W.B. Choi, "Growth method for vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by changing morphologies of transition metal thin films", application number: 00-25333.
  8. W.B. Choi, P2000-0035702 나노마스크를 이용해 화학기상증착법으로 성장된 수직형~
  9. W.B. Choi, P1998-00399  전기영동법에 의한 field emitter의 초미세 다이아몬드 분말 
  10. W.B. Choi, P2000-003570 탄소나노튜브를 이용한 나노크기의 수직 transistor 구조 
  11. W.B. Choi, P2000-003570 나노마스크를 이용해 화학기상증착법으로 성장된 수직형 
  12. W.B. Choi, P2000-000564  CNT를 이용한 FED 
  13. W.B. Choi, USP 837,255, RX-200003-014-1-US 절연성기판을 이용한 삼극관 탄소나노튜브 필드에미션 디바이스
  14. W.B.Choi, P2001-0001351 탄소나노튜브를 이용한 MRAM 및 그 제조방법
  15. W.B. Choi, P2000-0025333 전이금속 박막형상 조절에 의한 대면적, 수직 성장된 탄소나노튜브,
  16. W. B. Choi, P1999-00331 전기영동법을 이용한 carbon nanotube의 선택증착 및 Field
  17. W. B. Choi, RX-199908-012-1,  P2000-000564  CNT를 이용한 DEVICE
  18. W. B. Choi, P1999-001865 카본 나노 튜부를 이용한 필드에미션 어레이 제조 
  19. W. B. Choi, P1998-00295,  Spindt형 비정질탄소 전자방출원 제조방법 
  20. W. B. Choi, P1998-00548, Spindt형 tip과 Schottky 접합특성을 갖는 비정질탄소막의 코팅 
  21. W. B. Choi, P20010049033,  탄소나노튜브를 이용한 고용량의 바이오분자 검출센서 
  22. W. B. Choi, '2002-0071398 (5/1/2003), 수직 탄소나노튜브 메모리 소자
  23. W.  B. Choi, 2002-0071041 (11/15/2002), 수직 나노튜브를 이용한 비휘발성 메모리 소자
Honors and Awards

February 2023: NAI Fellow: Dr. Wonbong Choi elected to the rank of National Academy of Inventor (NAI) Fellow | Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes Institute

February 2018: Our team reported high efficiency Li-S batteries based on 2D MoS2 atomic layer protective layer for Li-metal in Nature Nanotechnology https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-018-0061-y (https://engineering.unt.edu/news/researchers-create-lithium-ion-replacement)

February 2018: Sarah Zou (TAMS student) has been named semifinals in the 2018 Regeneron Science Talent Search

December 2017: Our team reported Synthesis of uniform single layer WS2 for tunable photoluminescence that could lead to next-generation, ultra-thin opto-electronic devices (Scientific Report (Nature) ) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-16251-2

December 2013- Santanu Das has won the 2013 MRS Fall meeting poster Award for the poster titled, "Measurement of Graphene Substrates Adhesion Energy Using Nano-Scratch Study".  

2012: Graphene Book has Published (ISBN: 978-1-4398-6187-5, CRC Press) Graphene, one-atom-thick planar sheet of carbon atoms densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice, has revolutionized the scientific frontiers in nanoscience and condensed matter physics due to its exceptional electrical, physical and chemical properties. Expected as a possible replacement for silicon in electronics and applications in many other advanced technology, graphene has brought enormous interest of many research groups around the world resulting in abruptly high number of publications and recently in Noble Prize in Physics. This book, edited by Prof. Wonbong Choi and Dr, Jo-won Lee, aims to present an overview of the advancement of research in graphene, in the area of synthesis, properties and applications, such as electronics, heat dissipation, field emission, sensors, composite and energy. Eleven chapters have been presented by experts from each research area.

Material Research Society (MRS) Fellow; selected for recognition with the distinguished title of MRS Fellow (the youngest MRS Fellow) 2009

MRS Medal (2006) “for important developments in the material science and applications of carbon nanotubes”

  • The Best Paper of the Year, SAMSUNG (SAIT), 2002
  • The Best Patent of the Year 2001, SAMSUNG (SAIT), 2002
  • Gold Technology Award, SAMSUNG (for carbon nanotube field emission display development), 1998
  • Gold Technology Award , Agency for Defense and Development, Government of Korea (for special ceramic composites development), 1993
  • Distinguished Research Award, Executive Dean’s Award, Florida International University, 2006
  • Recognition of outstanding lecture on Trends in Emerging Technologies and Education, Florida International University, Fall 2004
  • Featured Article on Materials360 Online (2016), http://www.materials360online.com/newsDetails/61817,  “Two new methods reported for growing MoS2 on a large scale”
  • Dr. Choi’s work were highlighted in: Science (1999), TRN News (January 2002), MIT’s Magazine (June 2003), Analytical Chemistry (2006), Nanowerk (2007), Nature Nanotechnology (2008), TMS (2011)
  • Editor-in-chief: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: An International Journal (NST) 2016-
  • Topical Editor of Current Applied Physics (Elsevier), 2011-2013
  • International Advisory Board, International Symposium in Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and pollution, (ISNEPP 2007), December 10-12 2007
  • Editorial Board of Science of Advanced Materials Journal; Materials Science Research (IOS Publishing); Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD; The Open Nanoscience Journal , BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS
  • Chair of the TMS meeting Nanomaterials Symposium, 2007 and 2008; Chair of the NSF US-Korea Micro and Nano Integrated Complex Systems Workshop, October 2005    
  • Chair, Symposium of Beyond graphene-2D Materials and applications, Fall 2015 MRS Meeting
  • Organizing Committee of NanoKorea 2012
  • Organizing Committee (Lead organizer in electronic materials), 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), 2015-2016