National Science Foundation (NSF)

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Fourth Monday in July, Annually Thereafter, minimum of $400-500K for 5 years

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Next Generation Researchers Initiative:

Research Training and Career Development (K series, Standard due dates):

Outstanding New Environmental Scientist Award (ONES) (Limited) LOI: Late January, Full proposal: February, $250K per year, up to 5 years.

Department of Defense (DOD)

Air Force Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) FOA: March, White paper: May, Full proposal: July, $150K per year for 3 years.

Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) FOA: March-April, Full proposal: early July, up to $170K per year for 3 years.

DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA) RA: November, Full proposal: early February, 24-month base period, a maximum of $250K per 12-month phase.

Early Career Program (ECP) Award Proposals submitted at any time, BAA expires Nov 20, 2027, $120K per year for 3 years.

Department of Energy (DOE)

Early Career Research Program (ECRP)  FOA: November, Pre-Proposal: January 30, Full proposal: April, a minimum of $750K over 5 years.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards (Limited) Early January, $10K for one year.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Early Career Faculty (ECF) SpaceTech: Release: February, NOI due: Mar, Full proposal: March-April, a maximum of 3 years, typically $200K per year.

Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowships for Early Career (ROSES)  Release: February, Full proposal: August

New Early Career Fellowship Program (NIP) in Earth Science (ROSES) Release: February, NOIs: July, Full proposal: August, $100K per year for 3 years.

Early Career Investigator Program in Heliophysics Step-1: May, Step-2: August, a maximum of $175K per year, up to 5 years.

National Institute of Food and Agriculture 

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)

Health Effects Institute

Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award Webinar: December 19, 2023, Preliminary: January 26, 2024; Full proposal: June 14, 2024, 1-2 awards per year, $500K.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Gulf Research Program Early‐Career Research Fellowships $76K for 2 years, Full application: March.

American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund

Doctoral New Investigator Grants (DNI) ~75 awards; proposals are due by March 8, 2024, $110K over 2 years.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Sloan Research Fellowship ~126 awards, Nominations start: July; Full proposal: September, $75K, 2 years.

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Moore Inventor Fellows (Limited) Nomination: September - November, Full application: December, $825K over 3 years.

Moore Fellows in Materials Synthesis 2024 $1.2M, LOI opens: January 16 - February 16, 2024

Beckman Foundation

Beckman Young Investigator LOI opens early June - early August, Full application: January, $600K for up to 4 years.