Marcus Young

Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Professor
Associate Department Chair

Discovery Park E123

Marcus Young

Faculty Info | Research Profile | Website | Google Scholar |

  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, Materials Science Engineering, 2006
    Thesis: “Strain Measurements and Imaging of Metal Matrix Composites using High Energy X-rays” at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
  • B.S., Colorado School of Mines, Metallurgical and Materials Science and Engineering, 2002
  • B.F.A. in Ceramics, University of North Texas, 1997
  • B.F.A. in Sculpture, University of North Texas, 1997

Under the broad heading of Structural Metallic Materials, Dr. Young's research group focuses on the development, processing, and characterization of structural alloys, specifically:

  • shape memory alloys (e.g. NiTi-, Cu-, Fe-based, etc…)
  • refractory and reactive metal alloys (e.g. Ti-, Zr-, Hf-, Nb-, Ta-based, etc…)
  • lightweight alloys (e.g. Al-, Mg-, Ti-based, etc…)
  • amorphous metal alloys
  • high entropy alloys (HEAs) and complex concentrated alloys (CCAs)

Often times, using these structural alloys as a base, his research group also focuses on the development, processing, and characterization of

  • porous metallic materials
  • metal composites

In terms of characterization techniques, Dr. Young’s research group is especially focused on characterizing materials using neutron, synchrotron and laboratory X-ray scattering in combination with thermomechanical testing. In addition to characterization of structural metallic materials, Dr. young’s group also examines battery materials (Pb-based, etc…) and superconducting materials (REBCO, etc…).

Another branch of Dr. Young’s research group is focused on examining modern and ancient art historical objects by using a multitude of advanced techniques such as optical microscopy, SEM, TEM, neutron diffraction, synchrotron X-ray diffraction and imaging, DSC, FIB, nanoindentation, and 3D atom probe. Most of these cultural heritage objects are of historical significance so it is important to pay special attention to testing nondestructively and non-invasively.

Lab website

Please visit Faculty Info page and click "Publications" tab.
Professional Experience
  • 9/12 - Present Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
  • 10/10 - 5/12 Research Metallurgist, ATI Wah Chang
  • 8/10 - 5/12 Instructor, Oregon State University
  • 2/08 - 2/10 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Ruhr University - Bochum
  • 7/06 - 8/07 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Northwestern University and the Art Institute of Chicago
Honors and Awards
  • Acta Student Award for “Load Partitioning during Compressive Loading of a Mg/MgB2 Composite”
  • 2-year Post-doctoral Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
  • Advisory personnel for University of Chicago NSF Archaeometry Project 2006-2007
  • U. S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation Graduate Student Award to Attend the 54th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students – June 24-July 3,2004
  • Sole proprietor of a ceramics business, Infinite Vision, from 1995-1998.  Produced, marketed, and sold ceramics