Date & Time: 
Fri, 09/16/2022 - 10:30am to 11:30am
Hao Huang
Job title: 
Retired Technology Chief of GE Aviation - Electrical Power, Member of National Academy of Engineering
University of Houston
Discovery Park B217

There have been two major drivers to propel the aviation innovation mega trend - Green Air and Energy Efficiency. The goals and objectives of these two things are closely related but not the same; in certain aspects, they are even conflict. However, it is a great desire, demand, and even mandatory to achieve both in the foreseeable future by the human society and by the earth that we are living. The speaker will talk about the challenges and opportunities associated to this mega trend, and the new roadmap that is necessary to overcome these challenges and to be successful for the opportunities. The speaker will go through some key perspectives of aviation electrification that electrical, and electronics engineers need to be aware of, prepared for, and contribute to.

Hao Huang

Dr. Hao Huang is the Retired Technology Chief of GE Aviation - Electrical Power since May of 2020. He was responsible for generating the technical directions, innovation strategies, and multi-generation product roadmaps for the GE aircraft electrical power division. He was constantly leading and contributing innovations and inventions of aircraft electrical power technologies. Currently, he is a distinguished adjunct professor in the University of Houston, and an adjunct professor in WEMPEC of the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Dr. Huang is a NAE Member, IEEE fellow, and SAE fellow. He received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA in 1987. He has 35 years of experience in Aircraft Electrical Power Systems, Power Generations, Engine Starting, Power Electronics and Controls, and Electric Vehicle Drives. He has had US 80 patents including pending and multiple technical publications in the above-mentioned areas. Dr. Hao Huang is the winner of 2019 IEEE Transportation Technologies Award.


Distinguished Engineering Lecture

Seminar ID: 

Electrical Engineering