Date & Time: 
Fri, 02/11/2022 - 2:00pm
Manuel Quevedo
Job title: 
Professor and Chair
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas
Discover Park D201

The need for radiation detectors with high efficiency and wide-area coverage is of high importance in applications such as nuclear medicine, industrial imagining, environmental radioactivity monitoring, spacecraft applications, and homeland security. For these applications, the detector material should be able to strongly interact with high-energy particles, must withstand operation at high electric fields with negligible leakage current, possess high resistivity, and be industrially scalable at low-cost production. In this talk, we demonstrate that low temperature materials and device technologies used for flexible displays and IoT applications can also be used to enable large-area, high-performance and reliable sensing systems for thermal neutrons, rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet radiation. Some of the materials and integration schemes that are discussed include: 1) micro-structured silicon with a 10X higher efficiency (35%) compared with planar detectors (∼3.5%); 2) a method enabling the integration of thin-film diodes with poly-Si CMOS circuits; and 3) the combination of novel deposition techniques such as a solvent-free thin-film deposition, perovskite patterning, and 10B back-fill technique to enable high thermal neutron detection efficiency. We also demonstrate an integrated neutron/ray sensor fully fabricated at UT-Dallas that includes wireless communication to a mobile device.

Manuel Quevedo

Prof. Manuel Quevedo received his Ph.D. in 2002 and then joined Texas Instruments R&D Department. While at Texas Instruments, Dr. Quevedo was appointed Texas Instruments assignee at International Sematech to work with other companies (Intel, IBM, Motorola, Samsung, AMD, etc.) in research related to alternate materials for metal gate and high-k applications. In 2010, Dr. Quevedo joined the Faculty of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at UTD and was promoted to Professor in 2014 and Department head in 2020. Prof. Quevedo has published more than 250 papers, 3 book chapters, and holds 14 US patents with 4 more pending. His current research includes materials and devices for large area electronics and sensors as well as novel materials for Si-based technology. Dr. Quevedo is member of the scientific board of Nanoholdings LLC and RDUSA LLC, member of the executive board of Contex, the Center for Advanced Materials (Mexico), Center for Applied Chemistry (Mexico), and The Texas Task Force to host the National Semiconductor Tech Center (NSTC). Prof. Quevedo's research is supported by NSF, AFOSR, DARPA, DNDO, DHS, Conacyt, Texas Instruments and NanoHoldings LLC.

Seminar ID: 

Materials Science and Engineering