Date & Time: 
Thu, 03/10/2022 - 11:30am
Nandika D'Souza
Job title: 
Associate Dean and Regents Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of North Texas

Using reactive foams for lightweighting results in a stochastic distribution of cells that limits the ex-traction of relationships between architecture and performance. The open cell lattice design has been a valuable system for design of lightweight structures using a system of struts. There has been evolution to adding z struts to enhance stiffness, transition to adding plates and mimicking reactive foams in a shellular structure. In this presentation we examine the use of 3d printing to form open and closed cell architectures and propose a new design system exploring the combination of axial and bending deformation modes. The impact on concurrent acoustic, thermal and mechanical performance is probed. The design system offers a new pathway to realizing multifunctional lightweight performance compatible with a wide range of applications from buildings to unmanned aerial systems to prosthetics.

Nandika D'Souza

Dr. Nandika Anne D'Souza is Regents Professor (2015-present) of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas. She received her undergraduate degree in Polymer Engineering from Maharashtra Institute of Technology, her MS in Mechanical Engineering (Materials Program) from Auburn University, and doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. She has co-authored 6 book chap-ters, 97 peer reviewed journal articles, and 100 conference publications. Dr. D'Souza has received $5.7 M in external research funding. She was recognized as a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers in 2013. She is keen to integrate research and student engagement to transform the demographics of the engineering workplace.

Seminar ID: 

Mechanical Engineering