Date & Time: 
Fri, 01/22/2021 - 2:00pm
Anindya Ghoshal
Job title: 
Senior Research Aerospace Engineer
Army Research Laboratory
ZOOM: Register to be invited

This presentation will summarize the current VTOL Turbine Power Research at CCDC Army Research Laboratory. ARL is developing disruptive advanced materials and turbomachinery concepts / technologies for highly improved power-density, durability and efficiency for the Army of 2035+ VTOL gas turbine propulsion systems that address power demand, speed, range and low-cost sustainment gaps.

The objective of this research is discovery and operationalization of advanced material systems, multi-physics high-fidelity computational methods and advanced turbomachinery concepts for future Army VTOL propulsion. It is operationalizing VTOL Turbine Power Science for technology overmatch of US military. This will lead to improved power-density, durability, and high-efficiency technologies for transition to Army VTOL propulsion.

The main research thrust areas are:

  • Advanced Ceramic Composite Systems
  • Ultra High Temperature Ceramics for Propulsion
  • Advanced Thermo-Fluid Models in Pressure Gain Combustor Environments
  • Advanced Gas Generator Turbine Concepts

The metrics for the research are (a) durable turbine material system will provide 30% increased life; (b) Next-generation ultra-high temperature ceramics enabling 50% improved efficiency/power-density; (c) High-fidelity computational methods for predictive designs of novel turbomachinery concepts; (d) Advanced turbomachinery concepts, material systems, and turbine configurations enabling 50% improved efficiency/power-density and 30% improved durability.

The knowledge products of this research are:

  • Increased knowledge of processing-structure-property (PSP) relationships for technical/refractory ceramics, ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), and hybrid materials exposed to extreme conditions.
  • Advanced low-k refractory ceramic materials, with high fracture toughness and attrition-resistance
  • High-accuracy fluid-structure interaction models in multiphase turbulent internal flows with low computational-cost
  • Advanced turbomachinery concepts and designs enabling responsive propulsion systems with high power density.
Anindya Ghoshal

Dr. Anindya Ghoshal is currently a Senior Research Aerospace Engineer within Propulsion Division at Army Research Laboratory. Dr. Ghoshal is the founding member of the propulsion materials and turbomachinery sciences research area at Propulsion Division, Vehicle Technology Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He is an internationally known subject matter expert with 29+ years of research experience in Aerospace Engineering, Propulsion Materials, Turbomachinery Sciences, and Vehicle Health Monitoring Systems. After successive stints at academia, industry and NASA, he joined ARL in 2010 as the Prognostics and Diagnostics Team Lead. In the last two decades Dr. Ghoshal had participated and led several fixed wing aircraft and vertical lift rotorcraft programs both as part of industry and Government. He continues to conduct research in Propulsion Materials and turbomachinery sciences and serves on review panels of various Propulsion related research and development programs.

Dr. Ghoshal is a founding Associate Editor of Structural Health Monitoring Journal and an Associate Editor for Shock and Vibration Journal. Dr. Ghoshal is an AIAA Associate Fellow and the recipient of the National Research Council/NASA Langley Research Associateship, Humboldt Fellowship, Pratt & Whitney Leadership Award and Eagle Awards, Army Research Laboratory Lab Operation Award, AHS 66th Forum Structures and Materials Best Technical Paper Award (2010), AHS 71st Forum Propulsion Best Technical Paper Award (2015) and AHS 73rd Systems and Reliability Best Technical Paper Award (2017), and Department of Defense Laboratory University Collaborative Initiative (LUCI) Fellowship Award (2016-2019). He was inducted to the University of Connecticut's Academy of Distinguished Engineers in 2014. Dr. Ghoshal has authored over 280+ technical publications with 2650+ citations (Google Scholar, h-index =29, i10 index=66), and holds four patents.

Seminar ID: 

Materials Science and Engineering