Date & Time: 
Fri, 10/15/2021 - 11:00am
Huseyin Bostanci
Job title: 
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of North Texas
Discovery Park F175

Many critical applications today, in computing, power electronics, and electro-optics fields, among others, demand advanced thermal management solutions for the acquisition of high heat loads for reliable and efficient operation. Some of the most promising approaches utilize liquid-vapor phase change to achieve high heat transfer coefficients and extend practical heat flux limits. This presentation will outline the recent research projects in the Thermal Management Lab, focusing on two phase immersion cooling and spray cooling methods. Additionally, two other research areas of the lab, an innovative rotary displacer Stirling engine for energy conversion applications, and microgravity CO2 removal technologies for spacecraft air revitalization applications will be introduced.

UNT faculty Huseyin Bostanci

Dr. Huseyin Bostanci is an Associate Professor and Master's Programs Coordinator in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at UNT. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Central Florida. Before he joined UNT in 2012, Dr. Bostanci worked as a Lead Engineer at RINI Technologies, Inc. and involved in various projects for US military, government agencies and prime defense contractors (AFRL, DARPA, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman), mainly for the cooling of high power lasers and electronics onboard military tactical platforms and hybrid electric vehicles. He has extensive experience in the areas of enhanced heat transfer surfaces, immersion cooling via nucleate boiling, evaporative spray cooling, and miniature refrigeration. Dr. Bostanci co-authored nearly 50 publications, and has been teaching Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics Applications, Experimental Thermal Sciences, Senior Design, Thermal Management, and Project Supervision classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Seminar ID: 

Mechanical Engineering