Date & Time: 
Fri, 12/04/2020 - 2:00pm
Nicholas Glavin
Job title: 
Materials Scientist
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Lab
ZOOM: register to be invited

The rapid development of electronics for wearables and internet of things have pushed forward the need for all types of sensors to detect chemical exposure, physiological conditions, and other environmental factors. In sensor platforms, graphene and other 2D materials have become an increasingly interesting candidate due to their multifunctional and tunable properties. Namely, the mechanical strength and flexibility at the ultimate materials scaling limit, unique transport characteristics, tunable optical properties, controllable surface sites and the potential for facile device fabrication in contrast to 1D and 3D counterparts have captivated researchers and engineers alike. In this talk, opportunities for 2D materials in chemical detection platforms are discussed including novel laser-manufacturing approaches, utilizing optical sensing as a means to chemically “fingerprint” analytes of interest, and impedance-based approaches that enable record ultrasensitive liquid processed 2D materials. Additionally, a perspective on future selectivity strategies is discussed that enable both liquid and gaseous species to be detected with precise identification.

Nick Glavin

Dr. Nick Glavin is a materials scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and is a member of the flexible electronic research team within the Soft Matter Materials branch. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Dayton in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and his PhD in  Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 2016. Upon completion of his PhD, he joined the Air Force Research laboratory, where his current research is specifically focused on flexible 2D materials, 2D/3D membranes, and molecular 2D sensors.


Materials Science and Engineering