Date & Time: 
Fri, 09/18/2020 - 2:00pm
Arup Neogi
Department of Physics, University of North Texas



The resonant interaction of light or sound waves with matter either in the subwavelength scale or macroscopic scale modify the properties of the waves. The study of the linear or nonlinear properties of these interacting waves within the material can be used to study the mechanical properties of the materials. These non-invasive optical or ultrasonic techniques can be used to resolve the strain developed at the nanoscale or in the macroscopic scale depending on the dimension of the waves. In our group we study the strain variation in atomic layer materials such as layered two-dimensional materials with optical super-resolution using hyper-spectral second harmonic microscopy. We also use ultrasound spectroscopy for studying the elastic properties of materials. The spatial resolution and the effective depth of interaction can be controlled and modified using acoustic meta-lens. The various features of ultrasonic elastography and acoustic-metamaterials is being applied for next generation bio-imaging and non-destructive evaluation of additively manufactured materials.

Arup Neogi

Prof. Neogi is a Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of North Texas. He is the Director of NSF Emerging Frontier Research Initiative program on Phononics using additive manufacturing. He has been a Senior Associate of the National Research Council, a Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences Invitational fellow as well as Postdoctoral Fellow. He has been a recipient of NEDO Fellowship - industrial technology fellowship in Japan in the area of Femtosecond Technology. He has over 250 technical publications, one book, and three patents. His expertise is in the area of ultrafast optical and optical characterization of materials including nonlinear optical and near-field optical spectroscopy. He has industrial collaboration for developing hybrid materials using additive manufacturing technology for biomedical application.


Materials Science and Engineering