Yunwei Xu

Mechanical Engineering
Clinical Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Program Advisor
Mechanical & Energy Engineering

Discovery Park F101F

Yunwei Xu

Faculty Info | Website |

  • PhD, University of Miami, 2018.
    Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Dissertation Title: An Orthotropic Augmented Finite Element Method (A-FEM) for High-F
  • MS, Florida International University, 2015.
    Major: Mechanical and Material Engineering
    Dissertation Title: The strength of prototyping structures
  • BS, Zhejiang University, 2012.
    Major: Machine Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Dr. Xu’s research interests include developing multi-scale methodologies that can lead to realistic virtual testing and designing of complex heterogeneous materials and structures, fracture-based finite element methods, progressive damage and failure analysis of composites, and additive manufacturing. She has over 5 years of experience in simulation, developing multiscale computational modeling for heterogeneous materials, finite element method, solid and fracture mechanics related applications in composite materials (such as composite laminates on Boeing-787 Dreamliner). She also has interdisciplinary research experiences in high-performance material manufacturing, designing of heterogeneous materials and structures, additive manufacturing and 3-D printed materials from her master. Robotics and automotive research and development, automotive industry; laboratory development, CNC machine control, dynamic/vibration systems and controls experience from her undergraduate.

Research Focus

  • Materials, Manufacturing, Mechanics
  • Dynamics, Controls
  • Energy, Environment, Sustainability
Please visit Faculty Info page and click "Publications" tab.
  • Y. Xu (presenter), Q. Yang, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, An Orthotropic Augmented Finite Element Method for Static Strength Prediction in Composite Laminates, New York, USA, United States of America. (2018 – 2018).
  • Y. Xu (presenter), Q. Yang, USNCTAM 2018, Orthotropic A-FEM for Arbitrary Cracking and Delamination in Composite Laminates., Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. (2018 – 2018).
  • Y. Xu (presenter), J. Jung, Q. Yang, ASME IMECE 2017, The origin of shear nonlinearity and its importance in progressive failure of composites, Tampa, USA, United States of America. (2017 – 2017).