Tao Wang

Computer Science and Engineering
Assistant Professor

Discovery Park F262

Tao Wang

Faculty Info | Website | 

  • Ph.D., University of South Florida, 2019
    Major: Computer Science & Engineering
  • BS, Jilin University, 2011

Dr. Tao Wang's research focuses on network and cyber-physical security with an emphasis on designing defense methods that can protect emerging networking technologies (e.g., IoT, 5G network) from being undermined by adversaries. Recently, he has been working on the adversarial machine learning towards secure resource allocation in Multi-user MIMO systems. His research is also related to web security, specifically, on identifying security threats and developing countermeasures to improve web security.

Research areas include:

  • Network Security, Cyber-physical Security, Web Security, 5G Security, and IoT Security
  • Wireless Networking, Wireless Communication
  • Adversary-resistant Machine Learning, Machine Learning for Cybersecurity