Srinivasan Srivilliputhur

Materials Science and Engineering
Srinivasan Srivilliputhur

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  • PhD, University of Washington, 1998.
    Major: Materials ScienceDegree Specialization: Materials Science & Engineering
  • MTech, Indian Institute of Technology, 1991.
    Major: Materials Science
  • BS, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India, 1988.
    Major: Ceramic Engineering
  • Development of high-fidelity interatomic potentials for large-scale atomistic simulations
  • Atomistic modeling of deformation behavior and defect physics, irradiation effects in materials, phase transformations, and structure property-relations in metals and alloys
  • Use of accelerated molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo methods to study long-time evolution of defects in materials
  • Parallel computing, visualization, and computational materials science
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Professional Experience

Synergistic Activities

Development of Courses:  Because the undergraduate Materials Science program at the University of North Texas began in 2007, Dr. Srivilliputhur is developing courses in physical metallurgy and materials selection for design. In these courses, he is supplementing the curriculum with material relevant to the large concentration of high-tech industries in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Service to the Blind Community:  Dr. Srivilliputhur is a founding member of the National Organization of Professionals in Blindness Education, anaffiliate of NFB. He is the coordinator of its high school education committee. This committee is currently working on a white paper to increase blind student participation in Advanced Placement, especially STEM, courses.

Service to the Scientific Community:  Dr. Srivilliputhur served as a reviewer for Physical Review Letters, Nuclear Materials, Journal of Applied PhysicsPhilosophical MagazineModeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, and Physical Review B. He has given over 10 invited lectures and seminars at conferences and institutions of higher learning.

Service to Education: Dr. Srivilliputhur was a volunteer tutor for academically struggling Los Alamos high school students. In June 2008, he developed and taught an intriguing 3-week class on “Energy Use and Our Future: What to Do When We Can’t Do It Anymore” at UNT for the Texas Governor’s School. In this class, 40 elite Texas high school students discussed challenges in making future energy choices, global warming, and our future path of development.

Service to the Community:  In 2004, Dr. Srivilliputhur received the Rotary Club’s Paul Harris Fellow award for community service. He has been interviewed numerous times on local television in New Mexico to speak on science and funding issues pertinent to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has given seminars on education in Materials Science and nanotechnology to student organizations and high school science teachers. Dr. Srivilliputhur has served as a judge in many local science fairs and international Intel science fairs.

Honors and Awards
  • 2009 - CAREER Award, NSF
  • 08/06 - Elected Member, Sigma Xi National Honor Society.
  • 07/04 - Paul Harris Fellow, The Rotary Club.