Jim Williams

Materials Science and Engineering
DIstinguished Research Professor
Member of National Academy of Engineering
Jim Williams

Faculty Info |

  • PhD, University of Washington, 1968.
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering
    MS, University of Washington, 1964.
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering
  • BS, University of Washington, 1962.Major: 
    Metallurgical Engineering

Please visit Faculty Info page and click "Publications" tab.

Professional Experience
  • 2012 - pres Distinguished Research Professor, University of North Texas, Materials Science & Engineering (part time)
  • 2010 - pres Professor and Honda Chair Emeritus, The Ohio State Univ. Dept. of Materials Science and Engr.
  • 2004 - 10 Professor and Honda Chair, The Ohio State Univ. Dept. of Materials Science and Engr.
  • 2001 - 04 Dean of Engineering and Honda Chair, The Ohio State University
  • 1999 - 01 Professor and Honda Chair, The Ohio State Univ. Dept. of Materials Science and Engr.
  • 1999 Visiting Professor, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg Germany (Feb. until mid-June)
  • 1988 - 99 General Manager, Materials and Process Engineering Department, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH.
  • 1983 - 88 Dean of Carnegie Institute of Tech. (CIT), the Engineering. College of Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  • 1981 - 83 President of Mellon Institute (a wholly owned industrial research subsidiary of Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
  • 1975 - 81 Associate Professor and Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie Mellon University (Promoted to Professor in 1977)
  • 1974 - 75 Program Development Manager, Structural Materials, Rockwell Science Center, Thousand Oaks, CA
  • 1974 Program Manager, Interdivisional Technology Programs, North American Aerospace Group, Rockwell International, El Segundo, CA.
  • 1970 - 74 Group Leader Physical Metallurgy, Rockwell Int’l Science Center, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • 1968 - 70 Member of the Technical Staff, Rockwell Int’l Science Center, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • 1964 - 67 Lead Engineer, Failure Analysis Group, Commercial Airplane Division, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA.
  • 1962 Engineering Aide, Quality Laboratory, Aerospace Div., The Boeing Co., Seattle, WA.

Recent Professional Activities

  • 2005 - 2007 Chair of Congressionally mandated review of National Nanotechnology Initiative conducted under auspices on The National Research Council. Report: "A Matter of Size"
  • 2009 – Member Panel on Air and Ground Vehicle Technology, National Research Council.
  • 2009 – Member, Panel on NIST Materials Science and Engineering, National Research Council.
  • 2010 – Member of Materials Capability Review Committee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2001 – 2009 Member Technology Advisory Committee, Pratt & Whitney
Honors and Awards
  • 2012, Guest Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
  • 2012, Champion H. Mathewson Award of TMS (together with Adam Pilchak and Robert Williams).
  • 2011, Elected Distinguished Life Member of ASM International
  • 2011, Henry Marion Howe Medal of ASM International (together with Adam Pilchak and Robert Williams)
  • 2010, Elected an Honorary Member of the Japan Institute of Metals
  • 2010, ASTM Committee B10 Russ Ogden Award
  • 2010, Diamond Award, Univ. of Washington College of Engineering
  • 2010, James Douglas Gold Medal of AIME
  • 2009, Ian Polmear Lecturer, University of Monash
  • 2009, Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
  • 2008, Peter and Claire Scott Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, OSU College of Engineering
  • 2008, Institute of Metals Lecturer and Robert F. Mehl Medal, TMS Annual Meeting
  • 2007, Distinguished Lecturer on Excellence in Engineering Education, Dayeh University, Taiwan
  • 2005, Hsun Lee Lecturer, Institute for Metals Research, Shenyang, China
  • 2004, CS Barrett Silver Medal and Lecture, Colorado School of Mines.
  • 2003, G E Aircraft Engines Propulsion Hall of Fame
  • 2003, International Titanium Association Achievement Award
  • 2002, Univ. of Washington Alumni Service Award, Materials Dept.
  • 2002, TMS Application to Practice Award
  • 2002, Alpha Sigma Mu Lecturer
  • 2000, Life Member, Alpha Sigma Mu National Metallurgical Honorary Fraternity
  • 1999, Campbell Lecturer of ASM
  • 1998, Elected as Fellow TMS-AIME
  • 1997, Distinguished Materials and Society Lecturer of ASM and TMS-AIME
  • 1994, Spirit Award – Prairie A&M University
  • 1993, TMS-AIME Leadership Award
  • 1992, ASM Gold Medal
  • 1992, Univ. of Washington College of Engineering Alumni Achievement Award
  • 1987, Elected to National Academy of Engineering
  • 1983, Elected as Fellow of ASM