Hyunsook Do

Computer Science and Engineering
Associate Professor

Discovery Park F244

UNT faculty Hyunsook Do

Faculty Info | Research Profile |

  • 2007. Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
  • 1994. M.S. Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
  • 1989. B.S. Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University.

Dr. Do's research interests lie in software engineering, particularly software testing, maintenance, and empirical methodologies. She has been working on problems on evolution-aware testing techniques for object-oriented systems, including test selection, prioritization, test suite design, and unit/integration testing.

Her current research is focused on 1) creating cost-effective regression testing techniques that address the testing process and domain contexts, 2) creating regression testing strategies that address system lifetimes, 3) creating economic models that enable the adequate assessment of techniques and strategies, 4) empirical methodologies to evaluate cost-benefits related to testing techniques considering various factors such as testing context and a system's lifetime, and 5) empirical evaluation which involves various research questions on software testing techniques and problems.

She is also interested in issues regarding controlled experimentation with testing techniques, such as creating the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR) , and establishing guidelines for conducting controlled experiments.
