More than 80 UNT researchers across disciplines were included in the annual and career rankings of the world’s most cited researchers. Among them, 33 faculty members are from the College of Engineering.

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering had the most professors named on the lists from a single department at UNT, with a dozen on the career list and 16 on the annual list.

In the latest lists, 41 UNT researchers were among the top 2% of more than six million scientists worldwide within their specialty areas throughout their careers and within a single year. An additional 24 researchers appeared on the career-spanning rankings, while another 20 made the 2024 annual list

The ranking method is based on standardized citation metrics developed by a group of scientists led by John P.A. Ioannidis, a statistician at Stanford University.

The following Engineering faculty were included on the annual list for 2024 and/or the career-long most cited list:

Computer Science and Engineering

Annual Index: Heng Fan, Song Fu, Saraju Mohanty, Qing Yang and Xiaohui Yuan

Career Index: Song Fu, Saraju Mohanty, Ian Parberry (emeritus), Robert Renka (emeritus), Paul Tarau and Xiaohui Yuan

Electrical Engineering

Annual Index: Elias Kougianos, Xinrong Li and Hua Sun

Career Index: Xinrong Li and Kamesh Namuduri

Materials Science and Engineering

Annual Index: Samir Aouadi, Raj Banerjee, Michael Baskes, Diana Berman, Witold Brostow (emeritus), Wonbong Choi, Narendra Dahotre, Jincheng Du, Anupama Kaul, Rajiv S. Mishra, Sundeep Mukherjee, Thomas Scharf, Vishal Soni, Vijay Vasudevan, Andrey Voevodin and Yufeng Zheng

Career Index: Samir Aouadi, Michael Baskes, Raj Banerjee, Witold Brostow (emeritus), Wonbong Choi, Narendra Dahotre, Jincheng Du, Rajiv S. Mishra, Sundeep Mukherjee, Thomas Scharf, Vijay Vasudevan and Andrey Voevodin

Mechanical Engineering

Annual Index: Sheldon Shi and Cheng Yu

Career Index: Vish Prasad, Sheldon Shi and Cheng Yu


Read more and see listed faculty from other UNT departments on UNT Research and Innovation.