Shriyaa Balaji, a UNT student enrolled in the Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science program (TAMS), earned 2nd place at the recent Texas Junior Academy of Science (TJAS) competition for her research in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
Shriyaa's research Topic: AI-based Legal Contract Interpretations for Generation of Smart Contracts earned placement in the computer science category of the competition. In addition to their enrollment in TAMS, Shriyaa is a student researcher conducting work with the Network Security Lab (NSL) group led by Dr. Ram Dantu, professor and CICS director.
The TJAS competition is an annual meeting and science competition comprising of high school students across the state of Texas who conduct research throughout the academic year & present both spoken and written word. The event is hosted by Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. Learn more about the competition here.
The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) at the University of North Texas (UNT) is the nation's first early college entrance residential program for gifted high school aged students. If admitted into TAMS, students withdraw from their high schools and enter the world of university education at UNT. Learn more about the TAMS program here.