Students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering NanoSystem Design Laboratory (NSDL) received both first and second prize in the IEEE Metrocon 2017 poster competition. Held on Oct. 26, IEEE Metrocon 2017 seeks to educate engineers
in the DFW metroplex on the latest developments in science, engineering and technology.
Venkata Prasanth Yanambaka’s paper, Energy-Efficient Physical Unclonable Functions for Secure IoT Environment, focuses on hardware-assisted security for the IoT using Physical Unclonable Functions. She was awarded the Best Student Poster of the Conference with a cash prize of $1000.
Laavanya Rachakonda’s and Prabha Sundaravadivel’s paper, I-Stress: A Stress Monitoring System through the IoT, focuses on I-Stress analyzes stress in a person through body temperature, sweating patterns and physical activity. Rachakonda and Sundaravadivel were awarded Second Best Student Poster of the Conference with a cash prize of $500. The poster competition was sponsored by Lockheed Martin and Oncor Electric Delivery, LLC.
The NSDL has graduated seven Ph.D. dissertations and 25 M.S. theses in the last decade. Eight of its graduates have received outstanding students awards at UNT. The NSDL currently has 5 Ph.D. students engaged in cutting-edge research in energy-efficient and security aware smart electronics. The NSDL is directed by Saraju P. Mohanty and Elias Kougianos, both professors at UNT’s College of Engineering.