A team of researchers in the UNT College of Engineering will work to further the foundational understanding of cognitive distributed sensing with support from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
The U.S. Army is investing a total of $13 million for the first year of the project, which will be led by Kostas Research Institute in collaboration with five universities, including UNT, Northeastern University, Northern Arizona University, University of Houston and University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
UNT’s portion will be $3.76 million this first year, with a possibility of additional funding over the next four years. Yan Huang, Regents Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, is the lead principal investigator for the research at UNT. Other UNT PIs are faculty members Heng Fan, Chenxi Qiu and Qing Yang in computer science and engineering; and Xinrong Li, Hung Luyen and Yusheng Wei in electrical engineering, as well as senior personnel Asif Baba and Tom Derryberry.
Read whole story on UNT Research and Innovation.