Dr. Jincheng Du standing by a table in lab

Department of Materials Science and Engineering Professor Jincheng Du has been appointed as an editor for the Journal of American Ceramic Society.

The journal publishes fundamental research work on discovery, processing, characterization, modeling, and analysis of ceramic and glass materials and covers all aspects of new knowledge of the behavior of ceramics and glasses.

Du’s research focuses on developing novel functional glass materials for biomedical, energy and environmental applications to meet the world challenges by using advanced computer simulations and characterization techniques. As part of his new role as editor, he will use his expertise in computational material sciences, especially on computer simulations of glass and ceramic materials, to contribute to the growth and future success of the journal.

“We are very excited for Professor Du to join the editorial team. His stature in the field of computational materials science should help us attract more papers dealing with computational aspects of glasses and ceramics,” said Editor-in-Chief William G. Fahrenholtz, professor of materials science and engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

“The Journal of American Ceramic Society has over 100 years of history and is the flagship journal for the society, so it’s a very exciting opportunity and an honor to serve as an editor of the journal,” said Du.

Du joined UNT as an Assistant Professor in 2007, he was promoted to associate professor and professor in 2012 and 2017, respectively. Du received the UNT Early Career Award of Research and Creativity in 2012 and the UNT Research Leadership Award in 2018. He is also a recipient of the W.E.S. Turner Award of ICG, Gordon S. Fulcher Distinguished Scholar, and Fulbright US Scholar Award.