The Computer Science and Engineering Department and the College of Engineering has a limited amount of funding available for travel purposes and there is no guarantee of funding until all forms have been signed and verified for funding amounts. You will be responsible to find alternate funding sources or pay for travel yourself for any portion that is not covered by the Department or College. Additionally, if you decide to split your anticipated funding between two or more trips, there is no guarantee that funding will still be available for secondary trips. By accepting Departmental travel funds, you agree to the following:
In order to apply for travel reimbursement, please complete and submit the following forms:
Travel Budget Authorization (TBA) (xls)- Fill in with all estimated expenses. Sign and have your supervisor sign. Do not register for conference or spend any money towards travel until you've received funding approval, which requires the above forms!
College of Engineering Travel Grant (pdf) - Complete this form, attach your degree plan and confirmation of conference acceptance.
TGS Travel Grant - follow the steps outlined on this page. Please note, your advisor must complete the evaluation section and sign it.
CSE Department Faculty Evaluation (pdf)
Send ALL FOUR (along with your international travel registration, if applicable) to the Senior Admin Coordinator, in one packet. we will enter the funding amounts and obtain the rest of the signatures needed.
Once all signatures are complete, she will send the Grad School completed form back to you, as it will be your responsibility to complete their application process, if applicable. If you missed the upload window for TGS, you can submit in the next open period, as long as the travel is in the same academic year.
Please note, funding for undergraduate travel is generally not available and will only be approved if there is funding available. To be considered for funding and request Departmental support, please contact Shelby Ancira.