Be sure to visit College of Engineering graduate advising page.

Our advisors are here to assist students with concerns about their degree progression.

If you have questions specifically related to you & your educational career, it's important to meet and discuss with your advisor. To do so, you must schedule an appointment with them by email. Advisors will work with you to find an appropriate time to meet. NO walk-in advising will be allowed. Below is the information for each advisor:

View our CSE Graduate Handbook

For general CSE advising/admissions questions, you may contact the Department at

Degree Plans


Did You Know?

ALL graduate students must fill out their Degree Plans before graduation. Degree plans need to be completed in order to graduate.

When is the Ideal Time?

It is ideal to have your degree plan completed before your last semester of graduation.

Your academic advisor can walk through the process with you!


  1. Choose your degree plan that reflects your major and thesis option (scroll below to view list)
  2. Log in with your UNT credentials. You will be directed to an empty degree plan. Fill out appropriately with your information, the classes you have taken, the classes you are currently taking, and the classes you will take
    1. Put the semester you have taken/will take the courses on your degree plan. Please use the Long Term Schedule Plan to coordinate all current and future courses.
    2. Make sure to put the appropriate grade and credit hours for each class. If you have not yet received a grade for a class, leave the respective grade section blank
    3. For students taking a thesis option degree plan, make sure to input your Major Professor
  3. Submit your correct and completed degree plan. Check for accuracy before submission. DO NOT submit more than one degree plan
  4. The department will review your degree plan. You will be notified if there are issues with it or if it has been fully approved. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing


  • Long Term Schedule Plan: The Long-Term Schedule helps students understand which courses are offered, when a specific course is offered, and where the course will be offered. Keep in mind, courses offered are subject to change each semester. (UPDATED: OCT. 2023)

  • Graduate Degree Plan Changes Form: If you need to make changes to an approved degree plan, submit this form to your advisor.

  • Once you have submitted your degree plan, the form will be properly routed to the appropriate people for signatures. You do not need to contact any individuals about signatures or approvals

Handwritten degree plans will not be accepted. You must use the following forms instead: 


General Questions

Do I need a degree plan?

Yes! You need an approved degree plan by the end of your second semester to be considered for assistantships and to be able to graduate. Below is the link to the degree plans. Choose the appropriate one that applies to you and follow the instructions on the webpage. You will be notified if there is an issue with your degree plan, or if it has been fully approved. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

How many and which courses do I need to take for my degree?

Nonthesis: 33 credit hours are needed to complete your degree

Thesis: 30 credit hours are needed to complete your degree

Depending on your major, specific courses may or may not count towards your degree. In general, you want to take CSCE 5000-lelvel courses, however, this can vary depending on your major. Please visit the link below for further details regarding which courses to take for your major.

What is academic probation?

A graduate student is placed on academic probation at the end of the initial period of enrollment if the CGPA drops below 2.67. A graduate student is placed on academic probation at the end of any subsequent term in which the CGPA falls below a 3.0.

A student who fails to achieve the required cumulative average of 3.0 GPA (B average) on all courses carrying graduate credit in a term/semester will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term/semester. If the student achieves a 3.0 semester GPA in the subsequent term/semester, but the cumulative GPA is still below 3.0, the student will remain on academic probation. The student will be removed from probation when the 3.0 cumulative GPA is achieved. A student who is on probation cannot apply for graduation and cannot graduate.

For more information visit:

Graduate Student Support | College of Engineering  

Academics - University of North Texas - Acalog ACMS™ 

What are the consequences of academics probation?

A graduate student who is placed on academic probation and who does not receive either a semester or a cumulative 3.0 graduate GPA during the term/semester of probation will be subject to academic suspension for a period of up to one calendar year before becoming eligible to reapply for graduate and enroll for further graduate courses. After the one-year period of suspension, students may re-enroll in graduate courses under probation. Students who are then suspended a second time without having returned to good academic standing by achieving a CGPA of 3.0 or better will be dismissed from the university. Programs are not required to readmit students who left the university on probation or suspension and reapply.

The student whose UNT GPA in graduate work falls below 3.0 must make up the deficit, either by repeating courses in which the grades are low, or by completing other UNT courses with grades high enough to bring the UNT GPA up to 3.0. Low grades made in graduate courses at UNT may not be duplicated at other institutions.

For more information visit: 

Graduate Student Support | College of Engineering

Academics - University of North Texas - Acalog ACMS™

How can I change my major?

To clarify, a change of major is an application, so it is not guaranteed. You can change your major to a major within our department (CS/CE/AI/DE/CYBR) AFTER you have completed your first semester with finalized published grades and have completed 9 credit hours towards your current major. Any change of major applications submitted beforehand will be denied. You can submit a change of major application with the link below.

What do I need to start my thesis?

Before starting your thesis, you must discuss it with one of your professors. If a professor decides to support your thesis, that professor will become your Major Professor. Your Major Professor can guide you on which courses to take and how to approach your thesis going forward!

What is a Pass-Through Master's?

A Pass-Through Masters allows PhD students who do not yet have a Masters to get one while doing PhD work! It is a great opportunity as students can get both a PhD and a Masters at the same time! You must submit a Pass-Through Masters degree plan at the same time you submit your PhD degree plan. If you submit a Pass-Through Masters degree plan after you have submitted your PhD degree plan, you will be ineligible for a Pass-Through Masters. Once you have completed all your PhD coursework, you will be awarded your Pass-Through Masters along with your PhD!

What do I need for my QER?

A QER, or Qualifying Exam Results, is a necessary part of the PhD program. You must have an approved PhD degree plan on file before sitting for your QER. You must also discuss with your committee on a time and place for your QER. You can contact the department at to reserve a room if needed.

What do I need to start my Dissertation?

To start your dissertation, you must have passed your QER and have an approved a PhD degree plan on file. After the Toulouse Graduate School approves your QER, you are eligible to enroll in dissertation hours! Contact the department at if you are having enrollment issues with dissertation hours.

How long do I have to finish my Masters or PhD?

You have up to 5 years to finish your Masters, and you have up to 8 years to finish your PhD.

I am a transfer student from a different university. How do I transfer my credits?

First, you must be a currently enrolled student to start the credit transfer request procedure. We do not review credit transfer requests from students outside our university. Next, you must submit your degree plan (for more info, see #01 under Graduate Advising section). Afterwards, you will need to complete the form below and send it back to us. If you are requesting more than one credit transfer request, submit a separate form for each class. To see which UNT classes are equivalent, refer to the course catalog for the current year. There, you will need to compare the class you took at your previous university to an equivalent CSCE 5000+ level class based on course description. Afterwards, attach the syllabi of the classes you took and submit the form back to us for review. You are allowed 2 credit transfers (6 credit hours) if approved. There is no guarantee that your credit transfer request will be approved. Send your completed forms to and allow 12-16 weeks for processing.

If you are a PhD student, please contact the department at before you start your credit transfer request.

How do I contact my advisor?

Advisors are here to assist students with concerns about their degree progression. To meet with an advisor, you must schedule an appointment with them since no walk-in advising will be allowed. You can schedule an appointment by emailing the advisor and working with them to find an appropriate time. Below is the information for each advisor:

For CS Advising: 

Candace Eckwright is the Graduate Advisor for CYBR and CE: 

***Anne Bavousett is the Graduate Advisor for AI and DE:

***You can schedule a meeting with Anne through Navigate. The other advisors are not yet on Navigate, so you must email them first.


I need help with registration! What do I do?

Not to worry! Here is an enrollment guide for all your registration needs including adding, dropping, and swapping courses:

What are waitlists?

Students can utilize the waitlist feature as a placeholder for courses which have no open seats available! To clarify, being on a waitlist does not mean that you will eventually be put in the class.

Here is how the waitlist works: if you are position 53 on a waitlist for a course, that means 53 currently enrolled students must drop the course for you to secure a spot. Keep in mind that being on a waitlist does not guarantee you being in the class. Furthermore, you are only allowed to waitlist 9 credit hours during long semesters (Spring and Fall), and 4 credit hours during the Summer.

Here is a link with further details about the waitlisting process:

Am I allowed to take course exceptions outside my degree?

For more information on course exceptions please view the Graduate Course Scheduling page.

How is my GPA calculated?

Need help calculating your GPA? No worries, the link below shows you exactly how your GPA is calculated! You can also calculate your upcoming GPA!

Why are there so few Summer courses offered?
Summer courses are offered in a limited capacity since it is not mandatory to take courses during this time. You can choose to enroll in Summer courses if you would like to finish your degree sooner.
How many credit hours can I take in Summer?
Students can take up to 9 credit hours during the Summer semester. However, if you are planning on taking more than 9 credit hours, you will need departmental administrative approval. Please contact the department at if you intend on taking more than 9 credit hours during a Summer semester.
How many credit hours can I take during the long semesters?
Students can take up to 9 credit hours during the long semesters (Spring and Fall). However, if you are planning on taking more than 9 credit hours, you will need departmental administrative approval. Please contact the department at if you intend on taking more than 9 credit hours during a long semester.
Does the CSE Department offer any 8 Week courses during long semesters?
The CSE Department does not offer any 8 Week courses during the long semesters (Spring and Fall).
What are the important registration dates?

Each term has important registration dates that students need to know about. Below is a link to the Registrar that has all the important dates highlighted in a curated fashion.

Can staff and faculty enroll me into a class or waitlist?

Unfortunately, they cannot. Enrollment must be done by yourself since staff and faculty do not have access to enroll students into a course or waitlist. You can enroll for courses and waitlists through your student portal at

International Student Questions

What is the procedure for attaining an internship/CPT?

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an academic program allowing students to participate in an internship, training, or employment for credit.

The Deadline for submission of 8W2 Spring 2023 CPT forms is: March 6th.



Please ensure that your employer is a registered employer though Handshake. Please ensure that your internship is listed in Handshake. Internships not found through Handshake will NOT be allowed.

Please follow the link to complete an experience form on Handshake:

Select one of the following Experience Types:

  • Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Students: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and IT Internships (Undergraduate for-credit)
  • Graduate Degree-Seeking Students: Computer Science & Engineering Internships (Graduate for-credit

Attach a copy of your Offer Letter, Employer Form, and Advisor Form to your Handshake Experience.

CPT Eligibility Criteria
  • You must have completed two long semesters. Spring and Fall are considered as long Semesters. Summer is not a long semester. You are not eligible to do CPT in your very first semester.
  • You must have maintained F-1 status to be eligible for CPT.
  • If you have completed your degree requirements, you are ineligible for CPT and must apply for OPT.
Important Information
  • If you are working Part Time (20 hours or less a week) at your internship, you must be enrolled as a full-time student i.e., 9 credit hours Graduate
  • If you are working Full Time (more than 20 hours a week) at your internship, you can be enrolled as a Part Time student. You may just enroll in the internship class. You do not need to be enrolled in other classes for that semester.
  • CPT for shorter periods of time does not affect your OPT eligibility. Part-time CPT does not affect your OPT eligibility either. You only lose your OPT if you complete one year or more (365 days or more) of full-time CPT.
  • Students who work on campus for 20 hours a week may also work part-time CPT (20 hours or less).

-The student's total work hours for each type of employment (on campus and part-time CPT) may not exceed 20 hours while school is in session.

-Please keep in mind, this is only for students who will have part-time CPT.

-This does NOT apply to full-time CPT students. Students who are authorized for Full Time CPT cannot work on campus.

  • CPT is approved for each Semester, and you MUST apply for a new CPT I 20 each semester.
  • If it is too late to register for the course, then it is too late to apply for CPT for that particular semester.
  • You cannot do CPT if you are finished with all of your degree requirements. You must apply for OPT. You MAY NOT extend your program just for CPT.
CPT Application Process
  • Consult with the Career Center to begin the process of searching for an internship.
  • Find your internship on Handshake.
  • Ensure your job offer is an Internship Offer letter, not a full-time job offer.
  • An internship job offer must contain a specific start date, a specific end date, a specific employer, a specific location where your work will be performed, a reference to the number of hours per week you will work and a description of your position duties. The job must be in your Major field of study.
  • If your employer is not registered or your job offer is not listed in Handshake, please contact the UNT Career Center for instructions on how to register your internship in Handshake.  
  • DO NOT begin employment prior to the start date.
  • DO NOT continue employment after the end date.
  • CPT dates should align with specific Semester session dates i.e., Full Term, 8W1 or 8W2. 5W sessions will not be considered for CPT.
  • UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: Complete the Employer Form and the Advisor Form: F-1 Curricular Practical Training | International Affairs (
  • GRADUATE STUDENTS: CSCE Graduate students must use this Advisor Form for advisor approval: CPT-Form.pdf ( .
  • Submit your forms by attaching your Offer Letter, Employer Form, and Advisor Form to your Handshake Experience for processing and signing of the Advisor Form by the Advisor.
  • Forms submitted directly to the department via email will not be allowed.
  • Undergraduate students will be enrolled in Cooperative Education course CSCE 4920 for 1 credit hour.
  • Graduate students will be enrolled in Internship course CSCE 5932 for 1 credit hour.
  • You CANNOT drop the internship class once your CPT has commenced even when the internship is cancelled or terminated. Dropping the internship course once you have started your CPT is a violation of your F1 status.
  • After your Employer and Advisor Forms are completed and signed, submit your CPT request, and upload your CPT forms through iNorthTX.
  • An immigration advisor will review your CPT request and you will receive an email confirmation with a CPT I20 that has Off Campus Work Authorization on pg. 2 once your request has been processed.

Allow 5 -7 business days for processing or even longer during peak periods in the CSE Department.

Applications are processed in 5-7 business days in the International advising office.

Following CPT Completion
  • To receive a credit for CPT you have to write a report of your internship experience and submit it to the CPT Advisor at the end of your internship.

  • Report your experience! After you complete an internship, student teaching, practicum, co-op, study abroad, or service learning, it's important to complete this form. 

Visit the International  webpage for additional information

What is the procedure for attaining an OPT?

You must complete your degree requirements to be eligible for OPT. Once you have met the criteria previously mentioned, refer to the OPT guide with the link below.

What happens if I am unable to arrive in the country/university by the time courses start?

If you are unable to arrive in the country/university by the time classes start, you have a small grace period of arrival time. You can fill out a late arrival form with the link below:

However, if you miss the deadline of the grace period, you must defer="" your application. Keep in mind that if you have been already admitted and you update/defer="" the term of entry on your application, your admission will be revaluated. Your application will be reviewed with the current pool of applicants, meaning another admittance for the updated/deferred term cannot be guaranteed.

What do I need to do if I am not going to be enrolled as a full-time graduate student?

If you do not intend on being a full-time graduate student (enrolled in 9 credit hours), you must submit a Less Than Full Time Enrollment Request form. The link below leads to the iNorthTX portal, which is where the appropriate form is located.

I would like to know about my immigration status. Who do I contact?

For all questions and concerns regarding your immigration status, please contact the International Office at

Other Help

What are the Department's office hours?

Our Department Office is open from Monday through Friday at 8AM to 5PM CST, excluding national holidays. If you send any emails/communication after business hours, the staff will be unable to answer them until the next business day at the earliest. Keep in mind that we receive all your emails, so there's no need to send multiple emails about the same request. We are one of the busiest departments, so it takes at least 3-5 business days to respond to your request.

I'm ready to graduate! What do I need to do for graduation?

You must submit a graduation application at the beginning of your final semester. You cannot graduate if you have not submitted your graduation application and if you do not have an approved degree plan on file. Below is a link with more information about the graduation application:

Can I graduate in Summer?

Of course you can! Just to clarify, you can apply for Summer graduation to receive your degree in August. However, there is not a Summer commencement ceremony, so all Summer graduates are invited to participate in the Fall commencement ceremony in December! Below is a link with information regarding graduation. The email below is the best contact regarding questions about the actual graduation ceremony.

How do I get an assistantship?

Assistantships financially support graduate students through a variety of ways. Primarily, graduate students can be supported with a Teaching Assistantship, an Instructional Assistantship (Grader), or a Research Assistantship. The application for assistantships is very competitive, and while we support a substantial number of students, the number of applications we get for assistantships is many times the number we can award. For more information, please visit Assistantship Application page.

I would like to be funded to travel for conference, what do I need to do?

First, you need to have a professor who is willing to sponsor and support the conference you are planning on attending. Once you have a professor's support, please contact the department at so that we may continue the procedure accordingly.

Do I need a Course Load Exception form?

Domestic students that are less than full-time and need an exception for awards, scholarships, TA positions, etc., fall under the Course Load Exception eForm. The CLE requests and issues/questions with them should be directed to