Fall 2024 Enrollment Deadline: June 28

Interested in Enrolling?

Please fill out Our Pathways Program Interest Form. We are managing a list of students interested in enrolling in the first cohort. Once submitted, we will reach out to confirm your interest and include additional details about the program and how to enroll.

If you would like more information, please contact Jasmine Kabera at jasmine.kabera@unt.edu with your name and any questions/concerns about the program.

About the Program

The University of North Texas is introducing the Pathways Program for MS in Computer Science for students who do not come from a traditional computing background but want to be a part of the growing computing discipline. It primarily consists of six courses crafted specifically to prepare students for entry into the MS in CS program. For this particular program, there is a GRE waiver option to help with enrollment.

Students in the Pathways Program will be conditionally admitted into the MS in Computer Science but are required to maintain a B average in the following course sequence their first year. Note, two courses in the second semester will count toward the full MS in CS requirements (students will only have to take 9 courses (27 credit hours) instead of the full 11 courses (33 credits). 

Fall Semester:

CSCE 5001 Computer Science Theory I (3 hours) – introduction to data structures and algorithms, theory of computation
CSCE 5011 Computer Science Programming I (3 hours) – introduction to programming language foundations, programming paradigms, software engineering
CSCE 5021 Computer Science Systems I (3 hours) – introduction to system programming, operating systems, database systems

Spring Semester:

CSCE 5002 Computer Science Theory II (3 hours) – advanced data structures and algorithms, theory of computation
CSCE 5012 Computer Science Programming II (3 hours) – advanced programming language foundations, programming paradigms, software engineering
CSCE 5022 Computer Science Systems II (3 hours) – advanced system programming, operating systems, database systems 

Courses above are added coursework to the traditional M.S. in Computer Science degree plan.