Instructor: Mr. David Keathly, NTDP F202, (940) 565-2767,

Visit the UNT Internship Webpage

  1. Course Description: Supervised field work in a job directly related to the student's major field of study or career objective.
  2. Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing in computer science, computer engineering or information technology, consent of instructor, and departmental consent.

    Obtain Departmental Consent by filling out the Enrollment Assistance Request Form.

    May be repeated for credit, maximum 6 credit hours. 

  3. Course credit: 1 semester hour. If you wish to receive more than one hour of credit, you must arrange a directed study CSCE 4890 with a faculty member.

  4. CSCE departmental course coordinator: Shannon Venenga, NTDP F201, (940) 565-2676.

  5. Course requirements: The only requirement is an end-of-term report of length 3-5 pages to be emailed to both the instructor and departmental course coordinator. There is no requirement for timesheets, and there is no midterm evaluation.

  6. Suggested topics for report:
    i. Describe the company and its history.
    ii. Describe your internship (duties, tasks, responsibilities)
    iii. Explain what you learned from this experience.
    iv.Describe how your internship relates to your major.
    v.Describe how the internship may affect your future career.
    vi.Describe how your internship has helped you academically
    vii.(in the classroom).
    viii.Discuss how well you were able to accomplish your learning objectives.
    ix.Discuss how well you were prepared academically for this position.
    x.Discuss any special training or seminars provided by the employer.