Alumni & Friends

Our alumni and friends make a big impact. From giving time as volunteers to supporting scholarships and programs with monetary donations, our community network provides a dynamic energy that propels our students and university to do bigger and better things. Thank you for all of the ways you continue to give back! We look forward to seeing the many ways UNT will prosper in the future because of your faithful generosity.

Get Involved With the CSE Community

At UNT's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, we love our alumni, and we want to stay connected with our growing community. We would be thrilled to see you at upcoming UNT events to learn about the many ways you continue to excel. We hope to see you at your next visit back to UNT, and we invite you to use the resources on this page to stay informed about the latest UNT news and events. Don't forget to update your contact information so we can stay in touch!

Update Your Contect Info

Giving to CSE

Gifts to CSE will help bring our department to a level of national and international prominence in computing by supporting the hiring and retention of top faculty through professorships, by attracting the best undergraduate and graduate students through competitive fellowships, and by making sure our equipment and facilities stay current and available to all our students. Every gift counts, especially in today's economic climate.


Ways to Give to UNT

  • Major Gifts play a significant role in university development. They fund many of UNT's most important scholarships, fellowships, lectureships, campus improvements and more.
  • Endowed Gifts create a legacy that will impact generations of UNT students because they provide a steady stream of support from permanently invested funds, ensuring the long-term success of the university. Contributions can be designated to scholarships, professorships, buildings, departmental chairs and programs.
  • Annual Gifts are yearly opportunities to invest in the ongoing work of UNT. Each time you give to this core support for UNT, you provide for student research, equipment acquisition, scholarships and faculty development. Gifts can be designated to a specific department or area of the donor's choice.
  • Corporate and Foundation Giving helps ensure the viability of our schools and colleges. Establishing these relationships strengthens our academic, programmatic and research capacities.
  • Volunteering leverages the expertise and connections of our alumni and friends. Volunteers do guest lectures in classrooms or open doors to student internships. They serve on the department or college's advisory boards, where they help us stay abreast of industry practices. In a fundraising campaign, our volunteers are on the front lines raising money for the college and telling our story.

Want to know more about getting involved?  Visit Giving to UNT.

Alumni Stories

Alumni Focus on Pamela Taylor

In 1959 at the end of my senior year in high school, I heard a speaker during career day talk about how a woman had designed the bridge that arched over I-30 southwest of downtown Dallas.  That was when I decided I wanted to become an engineer and design bridges.

Pershwitz Photo
Alumni Focus on Edward Pershwitz

My story begins in the summer of 1991 when my family and I were new immigrants from Russia trying to adjust to a new life, learn English, and get settled in Boston, MA — our first destination in the United States.