This section of the UNT Computer Science & Engineering website is dedicated to our international student body. With an ever-growing international population, our department hopes to accommodate the needs of our students.

Please find any information needed regarding your international enrollment at the University of North Texas.





Here is a quick summary of the entire CPT application process:

  1. Find an internship in UNT Handshake. If your internship employer is not registered in Handshake, please contact Corey Davidson at
  2. Complete a Handshake Experience eForm:
  3. Fill out an Advisor Form and an Employer Form: ; Graduate students, use this Advisor Form: CPT-Form.pdf (
  4. Attach your Offer Letter, Advisor Form, and Employer Form to your Handshake Experience and submit
  5. The CSE Department will review your Handshake Experience Form and Advisor Form for approval
  6. If approved, the CSE Department will forward you the signed Advisor form and enroll you into CSCE 5932/4920 - Internship for 1 credit hour
  7. Create an eForm via iNorthTx and upload your Offer Letter, Employer Form, and signed Advisor Form (international students)
  8. Work with the International Office to obtain your i20 (international students)


For more information, please fill out this Q&A form: