Camp Learn AI
Middle School Students
The camp Learn AI is a five-day (Monday through Friday) non-residential camp that will be held at UNT Discovery Park, Denton. Students will learn a popular programming language, Python using Microsoft's VSCode tool, and experience its power in developing software that runs on the MicroBit platform and on the LEGO Spike platform. Throughout the week, students will work in small teams to solve a series of challenges and apply these concepts to solve simple Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems. Through these concrete and engaging platforms, students will see their programs come to life in ways that show the power and possibilities of programming. The students will be provided with all the resources, hardware, and materials needed for the camp. This camp will be taught and run by UNT CSE faculty (Robin Pottathuparambil) and Teaching Assistants.
Dates and Times
- June 3-7
- June 10-14
- June 24-28
- July 8-12
- July 15-19
- July 22-26
Participants can register for 1 of the 6 camps, each camp lasts 5 days from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Apply Today
For more information contact Robin Pottahuparambil (
This camp is fully funded by Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).