Be sure to visit the College of Engineering Graduate Advising page.

Dr. Samir Aouadi
Dr. Samir Aouadi

Please read the Graduate Handbook (pdf) to get information about the current practices and policies of the department concerning graduate studies.

Dr. Samir Aouadi is the graduate advisor for Materials Science and Engineering at UNT. He meets with both M.S. and Ph.D. students and can help you plan out your degree, select courses, and provide career guidance.

M.S. Advising

The UNT Graduate Catalog - MTSE MS offers information regarding required and suggested classes for the M.S. and degree. In the catalog, you can find lists of courses, course descriptions, academic requirements and helpful resources.

M.S. students that choose the thesis option are expected to join a research group no later than the end of their first semester in the program (TA/RA recipients are required to choose the thesis option). Non-thesis students are also encouraged to find their research advisors before the end of their first year in the program.

All M.S. students need to prepare a degree plan based on the department's degree requirements and seek approval from the department and the college no later than the end of their second semester in the program.

Ph.D. Advising

The UNT Graduate Catalog - MTSE PhD offers information regarding required and suggested classes for the Ph.D. degree. In the catalog, you can find lists of courses, course descriptions, academic requirements and helpful resources.

Ph.D. students must join a research group no later than the end of their first semester in the program, regardless of the source of funding.

Ph.D. students must prepare a degree plan and seek approval from the department and the college no later than the end of their second semester in the program.

Ph.D. Thesis Committee

A Ph.D. student's thesis committee will consist of five members. The major professor of the Ph.D. student must be from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Note: Faculty outside of Materials Science but within UNT can serve as major professor, only if championed by a Materials Science faculty member and approved by the department). In addition to the major professor, three other committee members must also come from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The fifth member must be external to MTSE, either from another UNT department or outside UNT, if the major professor and co-advisors agree that is appropriate. External committee members outside UNT must be nominated by the major professor and approved by the GAC and grad school before they can serve.

Other Graduate Resources

The Toulouse School of Graduate Studies also offers advising services for graduate students of all disciplines.