PACCAR Professor of Engineering
Director, Nanoscale Materials and Devices Laboratory (NMDL)
Director & PI, DOE/NNSA/MSIPP SEEP-IT Consortium
Founding Member & PI, North Texas Navy STEM Coalition (NT-NSC)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering (joint)
The University of North Texas
Scopus Author ID: 7101973667
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Email: Anupama.Kaul@unt.edu
Dr. Kaul's research revolves around exploring the electrical, optical and mechanical
properties of nanoscale materials for device applications. In particular, her research
is currently focused on the synthesis, materials property characterization and device
integration of two-dimensional (2D) layered nanomaterials for a number of device applications.
She currently serves as Director of the SEEP-IT Consortium at UNT which supports close to 26 students (Graduate and Undergraduate) from UNT,
UT Arlington and U. Arkansas, Pine Bluff. Her research is or has been funded by agencies
such as the DOE, ONR, ONR STEM, AFOSR, ARO and NSF. Dr. Kaul joined UNT in the Fall
of 2017 and served as Director of the PACCAR Technology Institute from 9/1/2017-12/31/2022
which was a virtual institute, involving faculty from the Colleges of Engineering
and Science.
Prior to UNT, Dr. Kaul was with the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) from Fall
2014 to Summer 2017 where she served as the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate
Studies in the College of Engineering, and held the AT&T Distinguished Professorship
in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Dr. Kaul obtained her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley
in Materials Science and Engineering with minors in Electrical Engineering and Physics
in 2000, while her B.S. degrees (with Honors) were in Physics and Engineering Physics
from Oregon State University. For her Ph.D. dissertation research at UC Berkeley,
she was advised by Prof. Theodore Van Duzer (EE), a National Academy of Engineering
(NAE) Member, and Prof. Timothy D. Sands (MSE, Co-advisor), the current President
of Virginia Tech.
After obtaining her Ph.D., Dr. Kaul was a Senior R&D Engineer at Motorola Labs from
2000 – 2002, where she was engaged in research on a DARPA-sponsored RF-MEMS program.
From 2002 - 2014, she was with the Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL), California Insititute
of Technology (Caltech), in capacities ranging from Member of the Technical Staff,
Senior Member of the Technical Staff and Task Manager. From 2011 - 2014, Dr. Kaul
was on rotation from JPL-Caltech to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington
D.C., where she served as a Program Director (through the IPA mechanism) in the Electrical
Communications and Cyber Systems Division (ECCS) within the Engineering Directorate
at NSF.
Awards and Recognition (Selected)
- UNT Service Recognition Award, March 2023
- Outstanding Mentor Award, Frisco Independent School District, ISM Mentor Program,
May 2022
- Elevated to SPIE Fellow, Jan. 2022
- Sigma Xi Membership, Aug. 2022
- National Science Foundation's Director's Award for Program Management Excellence for
leadership in the creation of a new Initiative at NSF totaling nearly $50 M in partnership
with the Department of Defense, 2013
- NASA Service Award, 2010
- NASA Team Accomplishment Award, 2007
- Multiple NASA Patent Awards 2005 - 2013 and numerous NASA Technology Brief Awards
for innovative research
- US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2012 Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) Symposium,
Warren, MI
- US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2014 bi-lateral Indo-US FOE Symposium, Mysore,
- Fellow of the Class of 2016 ELATE Program (Executive Leadership in Academic Technologies
and Engineering) coordinated by Drexel University
- More than 95 invited, keynote and plenary talks at major international conferences
and meetings sponsored by professional societies (e.g., IEEE, SPIE, MRS, TMS, and
NSTI, amongst others)
- Senior Member, IEEE
Service & Advisory Boards (Selected)
- Solar (MDPI), Editorial Board Member
- Applied Sciences (Materials Section), Editorial Board Member
- Nature Scientific Reports, Editorial Board Member
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal (Previously)
- International Advisory Panel Member of the Materials Xpress Journal for the Institute
of Physics
- American Editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
- Associate Editor of Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering and serves on the
Editorial Board of several other journals.
- Editor of Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices and Manufacturability:
CRC Press
- External Advisory Committee Member of the Penn State University's 2D Crystal Consortium
– Materials Innovation Platform (2DCC-MIP), a national user facility dedicated to
2DLMs that was recently funded by the National Science Foundation
- Member: SPIE (Fellow), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Optica, The Electrochemical Society
(ECS), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), American Chemical Society
(ACS), IEEE (Senior Member)
US Patents (Issued)
- A. B. Kaul "Methods for gas sensing with single-walled carbon nanotubes," US Patent 8,529,124
B2, California Institute of Technology, granted Sep. 2013.
- H. M. Manohara, and A. B. Kaul, "Carbon nanotube vacuum gauges with wide-dynamic range and processes thereof," US
Patent 8,387,465 B2, California Institute of Technology, granted Mar. 2013.
- A. B. Kaul, L. W. Epp, and L. Bagge, "Applications and methods of operating a three-dimensional
nano-electro-mechanical resonator and related devices," US Patent 8,435,798 B2, California
Institute of Technology, granted May 2013.
- A. B. Kaul and J. B. Coles, "Thermally-resilient, broadband optical absorber from UV-to-IR derived
from carbon nanostructures and method of making the same," US Patent 8,947,800 B2,
California Institute of Technology, granted Feb. 2015.
- A. B. Kaul, E. W. Wong, R. Baron, and L. Epp, "Carbon nanotube switches for memory, RF communication
and sensing applications and methods of making the same," US Patent 7,446,044, California
Institute of Technology, granted Nov. 2008.
- T. Van Duzer, X. Meng, N. Newman, L. Yu and A. B. Kaul, "Internally shunted Josephson junction device," US Patent 6,734,454 B2, University
of California-Berkeley, granted May 2004.
Dr. Kaul has developed a new, interdisciplinary course at UNT on Micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS): Materials, Devices and Applications, which she developed through sponsorship from the ONR STEM grant. More details on
the outputs from the ONR STEM Award, where she served as PI, are detailed through
the North Texas Navy STEM Coalition (NT-NSC) which she founded at UNT in 2019. This new course she created encompasses theory sections
and integrates these with hands-on lab modules utilizing semiconductor manufacturing
processes, where students construct devices in the UNT cleanroom facility. This is
the first course at UNT utilizing the UNT Cleanroom for instructional purposes. After
a pilot-period of 3 years, this course is now a permanent offering in the UNT MTSE
and EE course curricula and is cross-listed as: EENG 4450.012, EENG 5450.012, MTSE
5650.032, MTSE 4120.032 for undergraduates (juniors/seniors) and graduate students.
At UNT, Dr. Kaul also teaches MTSE 3000, Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, and MTSE 5100, Fundamental Concepts of Materials Science (cross listed for graduate students)