Graduate Academic Certificate: MEEN Energy Certificate

A program to meet the increasing demands of students with a comprehensive understanding of energy engineering, social/environmental studies, energy policy, economics and management. It is a unique program in the State of Texas and among only a few others in the U.S.

How Does it Work?


  1. Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university
  2. GPA of 2.8 or above
  3. 15 hours of course work and maintain a B average for all graduate courses
  4. Take the required courses of MEEN 5000 (Energy: The Fundamentals) and MEEN 5240 (Energy: A World Perspective)
  5. 9 hours of approved elective courses


The student must choose three courses from the following list. Other relevant courses may be taken with the approval of the graduate advisor:

EENG 4350/5330: Renewable Electrical Power Systems
MEEN 4110/5110: Alternative Energy
MEEN 5200: Principles of HVAC
MEEN 5330: Combustion Science and Engineering
MEEN 5112: Nuclear Energy
MEEN 5210: Solar Energy
MEEN 5332: Air Pollution Control Engineering
MEEN 5150: Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications
MEEN 5300: Advanced Thermodynamics
MEEN 5315: Nanoscale Energy Transport
EENG 5340: Environmental Monitoring
MEEN 4410: Energy Harvesting System Design
BIOL 6341: Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment
PHIL 6760: Topics in Environmental Philosophy
PHIL 4700: Environmental Ethics
PADM 5700: Sustainability in a Changing World
SOCI 5260/6500: Sustainable Community Development (Environmental Sociology)

How to Apply?

  1. Print and fill out the Certificate in Energy.PDF 
  2. Connect with Dr. Tae-Youl Choi, the Graduate Coordinator, for more information


Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Tae-Youl Choi