The Department of Materials Science and Engineering will host the ASM Materials Camp
for Teachers at UNT Discovery Park.
This week-long, hands-on lab experience shows educators how to use applied engineering
techniques in their classroom.ASM Materials Camp®-Teachers is an idea-generating workshop introducing teachers to
methods that make math and core science principles more enticing and relevant to their
middle and high school students. Materials topics are great motivators in any engineering,
technology or science course as students learn concepts that are reflected in their
everyday lives.
A $1,200 value, the camp is FREE for attendees.Participants are eligible to receive four (4) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
can opt for two (2) graduate level credits.(NOTE! Option for graduate credits is
not available for Virtual Materials Camps.)
Educators work hands-on with metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, and develop
a greater appreciation for the importance of these materials in modern life.
Teachers Camp is a proven program that strengthens the curriculum in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Post-camp evaluations reveal that 97% of participants will incorporate the experiments
and concepts learned in their classrooms.
Who Should Attend?
High School Teachers: Science (especially Chemistry and Physical Science), Engineering,
and Industrial/Career and Technical Education
Middle School Teachers: Physical Science
Pre-Service Science Teachers
Art, Math, and Community College Teachers as space allows
Why Attend?
Learn how to engage your students using simple, low-cost experiments that you can
integrate into your existing lesson plans
Help your students discover career opportunities in science and engineering
University of North Texas, Denton, TX June 2-6, 2025