Sample research highlights on high-heat-flux thermal management, microgravity transport
phenomena, and Stirling cycle-based energy conversion can be found here.
We are grateful to NASA, NSF, DOE, Nuclear Power Institute, American Science & Technology, Inc., and UNT for sponsoring our current and past projects.
High-Heat-Flux Thermal Management
- The TML performs phase-change heat transfer based research towards relevant thermal
management technologies and applications, particularly for computing, power electrionics,
and electro-optics.
- Current research areas include:
- Immersion cooling
- Spray cooling
- Enhanced heat transfer surfaces
- Enhanced heat spreaders
- Important criteria:
- High heat trasfer coefficient (HTC)
- High critical heat flux(CHF)
- Uniform temperature distribution
- Compact, lightweight, every efficient designs
![High-Heat-Flux thermal management research images](/me/research/labs/tml/images/high-heat-flux.jpg)
Two-Phase Immersion Cooling
- Two-phase immersion cooling of ARM-based computer clusters
![Research setup and barcharts](/me/research/labs/tml/images/tpic-arm-based-computer-clusters.jpg)
- Nucleate boiling of dielectric liquids on hydrophilic/hydrophobic surfaces
![Experiment setup and graph](/me/research/labs/tml/images/tpic-nucleate-boiling-dielectric-liquids.jpg)
Two-Phase Spray Cooling on Enhanced Surfaces
- Two-phase spray cooling with ammonia on multi-scale microstructured surfaces
- Achived very high HTC and CHF at low (room) temperature operation
- Targeted for thermal management of high power laser systems
![Device and surface images and graph results](/me/research/labs/tml/images/tpsc-enhanced-surfaces.jpg)
Spray Cooling Performance Comparison
- HTC (or h) values attainable with various cooling modes
![Spray cooling graph (h~75 w/cm2K)](/me/research/labs/tml/images/spray-cooling-performance-comparison.jpg)
Spray Cooling for Dynamic Thermal Management
- Variable and intermittent flow spray cooling for dynamic thermal management
![Experiment device and graph results](/me/research/labs/tml/images/spray-cooling-dynamic-thermal-management.jpg)
Spray Cooling with Binary Mixtures
- Two-phase spray cooling with azertrope-forming 2-propanol/water
- Binary mixtures allow tunable properties (e.g., boiing and freezing point) and thus
operating for specific applications
![Experiment device, diagram and graph results](/me/research/labs/tml/images/spray-cooling-binary-mixtures.jpg)
Enhanced Heat Transfer Surfaces
- Investigaion of practical, cost-effective, scalable, durable surface enhancement techniques
![Experiment images and graph results](/me/research/labs/tml/images/enhanced-heat-transfer-surfaces.jpg)
Microgravity Transport Phenomena
- The TML works on microgravity transport phenomena, mainly phase separation, and heat
and mass transfer for applications in spacecraft / space habitat lif support (air
revitalization) systems.
- Air revitalization is a crucial system for any space travel. Particularly, CO2 levels must be controlled in a spacecraft to prevent astronauts from experiencing
hypercapnia from excess CO2.
- Due to reliability and capability gaps of the current systems (i.e., CDRA aboard the
ISS), NASA has been researching on alternative CO2 removal methods that are innovative, reliable and energy efficient for future space
exploration missions.
![ISS interior and carbon dioxide removal assembly](/me/research/labs/tml/images/microgravity-transport-phenomena.jpg)
Vortex Phase Separator (VPS) for Liq. Amine CO2 Removal
- An alternative approach to remove CO2 is to use liquid sorbents (e.g., amine). However, separating the gas (air) and liquid
(amine) in microgravity is challenging.
- The VPS is a gas-liquid separation device that relies on centripetal driven buoyancy
forces to form a gas-liquid vortex within a fixed, right circular cylinder. If VPS
utilizes liquid sorbents (e.g., amine), it can remove CO2 from cabin environments.
- This research aims to investigate and demonstrate the microgravity VPS as a reliable
and high-throughput technology that can be integrated in NASA's air revitalization
system for crewed space exploration and habitats missions.
![Device image](/me/research/labs/tml/images/vortex-phase-separator-for-liq-amine-co2-removal-device.jpg)
- Preliminary investigation of VPS for liquid amine CO2 removal system
![Experiment setup, diagram and graph result](/me/research/labs/tml/images/vortex-phase-separator-for-liq-amine-co2-removal.jpg)
Variable Conductance Radiator (VCR) for CO2 Deposition
- Another alternative CO2 removal method is CO2 deposition using cryogenic systems. These systems operate on the fact that CO2 deposits at a higher temperature than Oxygen and Nitrogen, so CO2 can be deposited and removed from the cabin atmosphere.
- The utilization of thermal radiators is an emerging opportunity to complement or replace
cryogenic coolers in an energy efficient way particularly for the deep space missions
that offer very low temperature (4 K) environment.
- The VCR project aims to investigate and demonstrate thermal radiator as a successful
alternative to cryocoolers for CO2 deposition method.
![device images](/me/research/labs/tml/images/vcr-for-co2-deposition-device.jpg)
- Preliminary investigation of VCR for CO2 deposition in deep space transit
![Diagram and graph result](/me/research/labs/tml/images/vcr-for-co2-deposition.jpg)
Stirling Cycle-Based Energy Conversion
- The TML aims to investigate the fundamental performance characteristics of an innovative
Rotary Displacer Stirling engine (RDSE), and establish design strategies towards its
realization as a highly-efficient, flexible, and clean power generator
- Current research efforts include RDSE characterization, analysis and optimization
- RDSE has a fundamentally different design with key benefits over conentional configurations
- reciprocating displacer SEs:
- reduced cycle energy needs
- reduced friction
- fewer moving parts
![Rotary displacer stirling engine prototype and test bed](/me/research/labs/tml/images/stirling-cycle-based-energy-conversion.jpg)
Rotary Displacer Stirling Engine (RDSE) - Characterization
- Experimental characterization of first operational RDSE prototype
![Device diagram and result graphs](/me/research/labs/tml/images/rdse-characterization.jpg)
Rotary Displacer Stirling Engine (RDSE) - Analysis
- Development of analytical methods to predict engine performance
![Diagram and result graph](/me/research/labs/tml/images/rdse-analysis.jpg)