Title Quantum Networks: Reset-and-Reuse can be a Game-changer for Entanglement via Distillation
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2022
Authors Germain, J, Dantu, R, Thompson, M, Dockendorf, M
Conference Name 2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)

The future quantum network repeater is envisioned to primarily serve the role of creating entanglement between nodes and distilling those entanglements to an optimal level of performance. During our investigation, we implemented a multi-pass protocol for entanglement distillation and tested it on the IBM-Q environment, demonstrating successively improved results after multiple passes. We implemented two versions of multi-pass distillation, BBPSSW and DEJMPS, with a focus on optimizing the use of qubits, via the reset-and-reuse capability of the IBM implementation. The novel feature of reset-and-reuse can be a game-changer and can minimize the number of qubits required for large-scale applications. We also found that, though it is currently not possible to implement a criterion for continued distillation passes as a run-time feedback loop, the process can be studied through post-circuit data analysis. Our results also show that fidelity alone may guide us to discard some approaches that show success based on other metrics, such as entanglement success and success of transmitting a bit of data. The fidelity was experimentally found to be excessively low, for this complex process of multi-pass distillation.

DOI 10.1109/QCE53715.2022.00143

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