Title Nuisance Level of a Voice Call
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2008
Authors Kolan, P, Dantu, R, Cangussu, J
Journal ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl.
Volume 5
Pagination 6:1-6:22
ISSN 1551-6857
Keywords behavior, Multimedia communications, nuisance, presence, Security, tolerance, unwantedness

In our everyday life, we communicate with many people such as family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. We communicate with them using different communication media such as email, telephone calls, and face-to-face interactions. While email is not real-time and face-to-face communications require geographic proximity, voice and video communications are preferred over other modes of communication. However, real-time voice/video calls may create nuisance to the receiver. In this article, we describe a mathematical model for computing nuisance level of incoming voice/video calls. We computed the closeness and nuisance level using the calling patterns between the caller and the callee. To validate the nuisance model, we collected cell phone call records of real-life people at our university and computed the nuisance value for all voice calls. We validated the nuisance levels using the feedback from those real-life people. Such a nuisance model is useful for predicting unwanted voice and video sessions in an IP communication network.

URL http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1404880.1404886
DOI 10.1145/1404880.1404886

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