Title Make Consumers Happy by Defuzzifying the Service Level Agreements
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2021
Authors Upadhyay, K, Dantu, R, He, Y, Salau, A, Badruddoja, S
Conference Name 2021 Third IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA)
Publisher IEEE
Conference Location Atlanta, GA, USA
ISBN Number 978-1-6654-1623-8
Accession Number 21689400
Keywords ambiguity, blockchain, clauses, complexity, Ethereum, Fuzzy logic, interpretations, service level agreement, SLA, smart contract, smart legal contract

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a special kind of legal contract that binds a vendor to its customers where the vendor commits to provide certain services in exchange for certain payments from the customers. However, when customers do not get the services that they have subscribed for, it becomes a laborious job for customers to contact or visit the company and claim the correct amount of compensation or service credits. On the other hand, a Smart Contract is a contract that is a computer program that also binds multiple parties into given agreements but is a set of precise rules and is self-enforceable and self-executable. In this paper, we have introduced a novel work where we use fuzzy logic inside the Ethereum-based smart contract for two significant objectives. The first objective is to make the claim of the compensation easier and faster for customers by translating the SLA into a smart contract. The second objective is to make the smart contract even smarter and intelligent by implementing fuzzy logic so that customers who have a hard time understanding the legal jargon and ambiguities of the legal contract and SLA to find out if the compensation amount they are getting when the service is poor is good enough. Since fuzzy logic models semantics of linguistic expressions by capturing vagueness in the fuzzy sets, it becomes easier to solve the problem of contractual ambiguities and expedite the process of claiming compensation when implemented in a Blockchain-based smart contract.

URL https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9750258
DOI 10.1109/TPSISA52974.2021.00011

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