Title 911 services and vital sign measurement utilizing mobile phone sensors and applications
Publication Type Patent
Year of Publication 2016
Authors Dantu, R, Chandrasekaran, V, Gupta, N
Date Published 11/2016
Assignee University of North Texas
Country US
Patent Number US9485345B2
Keywords data, patient, rate, remote, video

Improved methods for utilizing 911 services, for implementing 911 dispatch protocols, and for measuring vital signs of a human, all by accessing mobile phone sensors and applications, are disclosed. Vital signs such as heart rate, breathing rate, breathing distress, and blood pressure can be measured using mobile phone sensors and applications. A method for differential estimation of blood pressure involves the synchronization of time between two mobile phones, locating an appropriate position for one cell phone and recording heart sounds, and recording video data from the finger tip of the subject using the other mobile phone.

URL https://patents.google.com/patent/US9485345/en

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UNT Department:

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UNT Lab: