Fall applicants: We begin awarding assistantship funding on January 15th each year. To be considered for all funding opportunities, submit all required application materials by January 15th. Application priority dates are set by the Toulouse Graduate School.

Priority Dates - Your application must be submitted in ApplyTexas by the dates listed below.  If you wish to be considered for financial assistance, it is imperative that you meet the priority dates.

International student priority dates:

  • Fall, June 15
  • Spring, October 15
  • Summer, January 1

Domestic student priority dates:

  • Fall, June 15
  • Spring, October 15
  • Summer, April 15

MS in Biomedical Engineering

Application Requirements for a MS in Biomedical Engineering
  1. GRE score (official)
    GRE is waived for
    • All applicants from US institutions who have graduated from ABET or similar accredited programs, with a GPA ≥ 3.0
    • Applicants from international universities who have degrees in engineering, computer science, sciences, biotechnology, pharmacy from ABET accredited programs or locally/nationally accredited programs, with a GPA ≥ 3.7.
    GRE is required for
    All applicants, domestic (GPA: 2.8 – 2.99) and international (GPA: 3.69 – 3.0), who do not satisfy the above two criteria.
  2. TOEFL score (for international students only, official) or IELTS
  3. Transcripts (official)
  4. Previous research or work experience (if applicable)


Leveling Courses for Non-Biomedical Engineering Applicants

Leveling courses will be required for applicants with undergraduate degrees other than Biomedical Engineering.  The leveling courses include:

  • Mathematics through multivariable calculus
  • Physics including mechanics, electricity and magnetism
  • Chemistry
  • BMEN 2320, Biomedical Instrumentation
  • BMEN 2330, Biomedical Transport Phenomena
  • BMEN 3310, Human Systems
  • BMEN 3312, Introduction to Biomechanics or BMEN 3321, Biomaterials

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Minimum Requirements for Admission

All students applying for graduate study must have completed a 4-year bachelor's degree, and submit the following:

  1. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score

    GRE is waived for

    • All applicants from US institutions who have graduated with a BS or MS from ABET or similar accredited programs for sciences, with a GPA ≥ 3.5 in their BS or MS degree
    • Applicants from international universities who have degrees (BS or MS) in engineering, sciences, biotechnology, computer science from ABET accredited or similarly accredited local/national programs, with a GPA ≥ 3.7.

    GRE is required for all other applicants
    Minimum GRE score: 310 (V + Q) and 3 in Analytical section

  2. Official transcripts from each college or university attended, should be sent to:
    UNT Graduate School
    1155 Union Circle #310440
    Denton, Texas 76203-5017
  3. Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers
  4. A personal statement that highlights aspects of the applicant's background and his or her career plans
  5. Most current resume
  6. An acceptable score on either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applicants whose native language is not English. It is the student's responsibility to have official scores sent from ETS to the University of North Texas. (We do not accept the “My Best” scores.  You will need to order the official TOEFL score report via ETS).

After you have applied to the Toulouse Graduate School and received UNT EUID, submit your supplemental documents (Statement of Research Interests, Resume and Letters of Recommendation).