W Brostow. Synthesis and Characterization of Porus Crosslinked Copolymers for Oil Spill Sorption.. e-Polymers 2007, no. 118 [pdf file]
W Brostow, H E. Hagg Lobland, T Reddy, R P. Singh and L White. Lowering mechanical degradation of drag reducers in turbulent flow. J. Mater. Res. 22, 2007 [Abstract] [pdf file]
W Brostow, D Pietkiewicz. Polymer Tribology in Safety Medical Devices: Retractable Syringes. Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 26, No. 1, 56-64 (2007). [pdf file]
O. Mukbaniani, G. Titvinidze, T Tatrishvili, N Mukbaniani, W Brostow and D Pietkiewicz. Formation of Polymethylsiloxanes with Alkyl Side Groups. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 104 (2007) 1176 [Abstract] [pdf file]
W Brostow, B P. Gorman and O Olea-Mejia. Focus ion beam milling and scanning electron microscopy characterization of metal
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L D. Pérez, L F. Giraldo, W Brostow, B L. López. Poly(methyl acrylate) plus Mesoporous Silica Nanohybrids: Mechanical and Thermophysical
Properties. e-Polymers 2007, no. 029 [pdf file]
I M. Kalogeras, A Stathopoulos, A Vassilikou-Dova and W Brostow. Nanoscale Confinement Effects on the Relaxation Dynamics in Networks of Diglycidyl
Ether of Bisphenol-A and Low-Molecular-Weight Poly(ethylene oxide). J. Phys. Chem.B 111 (2007) 2774 [pdf file]
W Brostow, Mechanical properties, Ch. 24 in Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook. Editor J. E. Mark, 2nd edition. Springer, New York 2007.
W. Brostow, Polymer liquid crystals and their blends. Ch. 21 in Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook. Editor J. E. Mark, 2nd edition. Springer, New York 2007.
M Estevez, S Vargas, V M. Castaño, J. R Rodriguez, H E. Hagg Lobland, W Brostow. Novel wear resistant and low toxicity dental obturation materials. Mater. Letters, 61 (2007) 3025 [pdf file]
B D Beake, G A Bell, W Brostow and W Chonkaew. Nanoindentation creep and glass transition temperatures in polymers. Polymer Internatnional. Volume 56. (2007) 773 [pdf file]
Gonzalo Martínez-Barrera, Manuel Eduardo Espinosa-Pesqueira, Witold Brostow. Concrete + polyester + CaCO3: Mechanics and morphology after gamma irradiation. e-polymers 2007, no 083 [pdf file]
W. Brostow*1,2 and T. Datashvili Miscibility and thermal properties of blends of melamine-formaldehyde resin with low density polyethylene. Mater. Res. Innovat. 11 (2007) 127 [pdf file]
W. Brostow, W. Chonkaew, L. Rapoport, Y. Soifer and A. Verdyan. Grooves in microscratch testing. J. of Mater. Res. 22 (2007) 2483. [pdf file]
B. Bilyeu, W. Brostow, L. Chudej, M. Estevez, H.E. Hagg-Lobland, J R Rodriguez and S. Vargas. Scratch resistance of different silica filled resins for obturation materials. Matter. Res. Innovat. 11 (2007) 181. [pdf file]
W. Brostow, S. Pal & R.P. Singh, A model of flocculation , Mater. Letters 2007, 61, 4381. [pdf file]
A Abdel-Azim, A. Mahmoud Abdul-Raheim, A. Mohamady Atta, W. Brostow, A. Fawzy El-Kafrawy, Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Crosslinked Copolymers for Oil Spill Sorption , e-Polymers 2007, no. 118. [pdf file]