Witold Brostow, P-V-T Data and their Uses, pp. 569-573 in Polypropylene: An A - Z Reference, ed. J. Karger-Kocsis, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1999.

Witold Brostow , Elena A. Faitelson, Mihail G. Kamensky, Vadim P. Korkhov, Yuriy P. Rodin, Orientation of a longitudinal polymer liquid crystal in a constant magnetic field, Polymer 1999, 40, 1441.

Witold Brostow, Nandika Anne D'Souza, Josef, Kubat, and Robert Maksimov, Creep and Stress Relaxation in a Longitudinal Polymer Liquid Crystal:  Prediction of the Temperature Shift Factor, J. Chem. Phys. 1999, 110, 9706. [pdf file]

Witold Brostow, Samir Majumdar, and Ram Prakash Singh, Drag Reduction and Solvation in Polymer Solutions, Macromol.  Rapid Commun.  1999, 20, 144. [pdf file]

T. Sterzynski, D. Guigner, W. Brostow, M. Plass, Orientation macromoleculaire dans l'ecoulement du poly(fluorure de vinylidene) en melange avec des polymeres cristaux liquides , Europ. Polymer J. 1999, 35, 437.

Erik M. Rivera, J.R. Daz-Estrada, J. Rogelio Rodrguez, R. Hernndez, M. Araiza, Witold Brostow, and V. M. Castao Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite From Eggshells, Mater. Letters 1999, 41, 128 [pdf file]

Witold Brostow, Nandika Anne D'Souza, Josef, Kubat, and Robert Maksimov, Prediction from Short-Term Tests, Internat. J. Polym. Mater. 1999, 43, 233.

Witold Brostow, V.M. Castaño, A. Huanosta, M. de Icaza, M.E. Nicho, J.M. Saniger, Poly(acrylic acid) + Zinc Diacetate Composites: High Temperature Service and Electric Conductivity, Mater. Res. Innovat. 1999, 3, 85. [pdf file]

Witold Brostow, M. Bratychak, Synthesis and Properties of Peroxy Derivates of Epoxy Resins Based on Bisphenol A: Effects of the Presence of Inorganic Bases, Polymer Eng. & Sci. 1999, 39, 1541.

Witold Brostow, L. Bazyliak, M. Bratychak, Peroxy Derivates of Epoxy Resins Based on Bisphenol A: Effects of Quaternary Ammonium Salts, Mater. Res. Innovat. 1999, 3, 132.

Thomas Bjornholm, Witold Brostow, Kjeld Schaumburg, Peter V. Shibaev, Vladimir Sinani, Rostislav Vinokur, Conformational Transformations in Chiral Polythiophene Derivates Aggregated in Polymethacrylate Matrices: Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Macromol. Symp. 1999, 148, 31.

Mihailo Bratychak, Witold Brostow, Yozef Yatczyshyn, Epoxy Networks Modified by Unsaturated Oligoesters and Acrylates or Methacrylates, Macromol. Symp. 1999, 148, 87.

Alejandro Sáenz, Eric Rivera, Witold Brostow, Victor M. Castaño, Ceramic Biomaterials: An Introductory Overview, J. Mater. Ed. 1999, 21, 267. [pdf file]

Bryan Bilyeu, Witold Brostow, Kevin P. Menard, Epoxy Thermosets and Their Applications I: Chemical Structures and Applications, J. Mater. Ed. 1999, 21, 281. [pdf file]

Witold Brostow, Victor M. Castaño, Voronoi Polyhedra as a Tool for Dealing with Spatial Structures of Amorphous Solids, Liquids and Dense Gases, J. Mater. Ed. 1999, 21, 297. [pdf file]