Nanostructures in advanced titanium alloy

Advanced Metals and Alloys

Our group specializes in the innovative design of metals and alloys through the precise manipulation of nanostructures to achieve optimal properties tailored for specific applications. Our primary research focus centers on investigating how nanostructures impact phase transformations and deformation behaviors in metals and alloys.

We appreciate the funding support from NSF CAREER Award, NSF CMMI MOMS Program and NSF DMREF Program.

Titanium powders for laser additive manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing

Our group is dedicated to manufacturing shaped products with consistent and high-quality performance through advanced manufacturing techniques. Our research is centered on the investigation of site-specific defect, microstructure and deformation behavior in the metals and alloys fabricated via advanced manufacturing.

We appreciate the funding support from NSF CMMI AM program, and industry collaborators.

3D reconstruction from FIB-SEM tomography

Advanced Electron Microscopy

We investigate the micro- to nano-scale structures in materials using advanced characterization techniques, especially electron microscopy:

  • In-situ heating/cooling/straining electron microscopy
  • 3D FIB-SEM tomography and atom probe tomography
  • Atomic resolution aberration-corrected STEM and 4D STEM
  • Quantitative microstructure analysis and data science

We appreciate the funding support from UNT faculty startup package.