1. Pawale, T.; Swain, J.; Hashemi, MR.; Tierra, G.; Li, X.* Dynamic Motions of Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals under Spatial Confinement. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2023, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300136.
  2. Hnatchuk, N.; Hathaway, E.; Cui, J.; Li, X.* Non-equilibrium Self-Assembly of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Block Copolymers into Asymmetric Nanostructure. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c01128.
  3. Crockett, JR.; Wang, M.; Doebler, JE.; Pawale, T.; Li, X.; Bao, Y. Impact on the Formation and Catalytic Property of Pt-Based Nanocatalysts by Galvanic Reaction with Co-Reduction Agents. Chemistry of Materials 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02659.
  4. Pawale, T.; Yi, S.; Wang, X.; Zhang, R.; Li, X.* The fate of liquid crystal topological defects on chemically patterned surfaces during phase transitions. Soft Matter 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2SM00566B. (Featured on Cover)
  5. Pawale, T.; Cheng, S.; Hnatchuk, N.; Li, X.* Synergistic self-assembly of rod-like monomers in blue phase liquid crystal for tunable optical properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2TC01333A. (Featured on Cover)
  6. Emeršič, T.; Bagchi, K.; Martínez-González, J. A.; Li, X.; de Pablo J. J.; Nealey, P. A Generalizable Approach to Direct the Self-Assembly of Functional Blue-Phase Liquid Crystals. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202202721
  7. Nnatchuk, N.; Pawale, T.; Li, X.* Asymmetric Polymer Materials: Synthesis, Structure, and Performance. Polymer 2022, 242, 124607.  
  8. Jia. Z.; Pawale, T.; Guerrero-Garcia, G.; Hashemi, S.; Martinez-Gonzalez, JA.; Li, X.* Engineering the Uniform Lying Helical Structure in Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals: From Morphology Transition to Dimension Control. Crystals 2021, 11,4,414.
  9. Li, X.*; Park, K.; Guzman, O.; Martinez-Gonzalez, JA.; Dolan, JA.; de Pablo, JJ.; Nealey, PF. Nucleation and growth of blue phase liquid crystals on chemically-patterned surfaces: a surface anchoring assisted blue phase correlation lengthMol. Syst. Des. Eng. 2021, 6, 534 - 544.
  10. Dolan, JA.; Cai, H.; Delalande, L.; Li, X. Martinson, A.;  de Pablo, JJ.; López, D.; Nealey PF. Broadband Liquid Crystal Tunable Metasurfaces in the Visible: Liquid Crystal Inhomogeneities Across the Metasurface Parameter Space. ACS Photonics 2021, 8, 567-575.
  11. Jin, HM. †; Li, X. †; Dolan, JA.; Kline, RJ; de Pablo. JJ; Nealey, PF. Soft crystal martensites: An in situ resonant soft x-ray scattering study of a liquid crystal martensitic transformationScience Advances2020, 6, eaay5986. (†Equally contribution)
  12. Sadati, M.; Martinez-Gonzalez, JA.; Zhou, Y.; Qazvini, NT.;  Kurtenbach, K.;  Li, X.; Bukusoglu, E.; Zhang, R.;  Abbott, N L.; Hernandez-Ortiz, J.; de Pablo, JJ. Prolate and oblate chiral liquid crystal spheroids. Science Advances. 2020, 7, eaba6728. 
  13. Li X., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Guzman O., Ma X., Park K., Jin HM., Dolan J., Nealey PF., de Pablo JJ. Sculpted Grain Boundaries in Soft Crystals. Science Advances2019, 5, eaax9112.

Before Joining UNT

  1. Li X., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Park K., Yu C., Zhou Y., de Pablo JJ., Nealey PF. Perfection in Nucleation and Growth of Blue-Phase Single Crystals: Small Free-Energy Required to Self-Assemble at Specific Lattice Orientation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11, 9487-9495.
  2. Yanagimachi T., Li X., Nealey P., Kurihara K. Surface anchoring of nematic liquid crystal on swollen polymer brush studied by surface forces measurement. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 10, 101997.
  3. Li X., Yanagimachi T., Bishop C., Smith C., Dolejsi M., Xie H., Kurihara K., Nealey P. Engineering the Anchoring Behavior of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Solid Surface by Varying the Density of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Brush. Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 7569-7577. (Featured on Cover)
  4. Li X., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Hernandez-Ortiz JP., Ramirez-Hernandez A., Zhou Y., Sadati M., Zhang R., Nealey PF., de Pablo JJ. Mesoscale Martensitic Transformation in Single Crystals of Topological Defects. PNAS, 2017, 114, 10011-10016.
  5. Martinez-Gonzalez JA.†, Li X.†, Sadati M., Zhou Y., Zhang R., Nealey PF., de Pablo JJ. Directed Self-Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Blue-Phases into Ideal Single-Crystals. Nat. Commun., 2017, 8, 15854. (†Equally contribution).
  6. Li X., Armas-Perez JC., Hernandez-Ortiz JP., Arges C., Liu X., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Ocola L., Bishop C., Xie HL., de Pablo JJ., Nealey PF. Directed Self-Assembly of Colloidal Particles onto Nematic Liquid Crystalline Defects Engineered by Chemically Patterned Surfaces. ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (6), 6492–6501.
  7. Li, X., Martinez-Gonzalez, JA., de Pablo JJ., Nealey, P. F. "Thickness dependence of forming single crystal by liquid-crystalline blue phase on chemically patterned surface." Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies XIII, 2018, 10555, 1055514.
  8. Armas-Perez JC., Li X., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Smith, C., Hernandez-Ortiz JP., Nealey PF., de Pablo JJ. Sharp Morphological Transitions from Nanoscale Mixed-anchoring Patterns in Confined Nematic Liquid Crystals. Langmuir, 2017, 33, 12516-12524.
  9. Xie HL., Li X., Ren JX., Bishop C., Arges C., Nealey PF. Controlling Domain Orientation of Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer in Thin Films Through Tuning Mesogenic Chemical Structures. J. Poly. Sci. Pol. Phys. 2017, 55, 532-541.
  10. Xie HL., Li X., Suh H., Ren JX., Wan LS., Craig GS., Arges C., Nealey PF. Water-soluble Top Coats for Orientation Control of Liquid Crystal-Containing Block Copolymer Films. J. Poly. Sci. Pol. Phys. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/polb.24420.
  11. Li X., Armas-Perez JC., Martinez-Gonzalez JA., Liu X., Xie HL., Bishop C.; Hernandez-Ortiz JP.; ZhangR.; de Pablo JJ.; Nealey PF. Directed Self-Assembly of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Chemically Patterned Surfaces: Morphological States and Transitions. Soft Matter, 2016, 12(41), 8595-8605.
  12. Li X., Liu YD., Wan L., Li Z., Suh HS., Ren J., Hu W., Ocola LE., Ji S. X., Nealey P. F. Effect of Stereochemistry on Directed Self-Assembly of Poly(styrene-b-lactide) Films on Chemical Patterns. ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5(3), 396-401.
  13. Wu GP., Liu X., Chen XX., Suh HS., Li X., Ren JX., Arges CG., Li FX., Jiang Z., Nealey PF. Directed Self-Assembly of Hierarchical Supramolecular Block Copolymer Thin Film on Chemical Patterns”, Adv. Mater. Interface., 2016, 3, 1600048.
  14. Xiong SS., Chapuis Y., Wan L., Gao H., Li X., Ruiz R., Nealey P. Directed self-assembly of high-chi block copolymer for nano fabrication of bit patterned media via solvent annealing. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27, 415601.
  15. Li X., Yu XH., Han YC. Polymer Thin Film for Antireflection Coatings. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1(12), 2266-2285.
  16. Li X., Yu XH., Han YC. Intelligent Reversible Nanoporous Antireflection Film by Solvent-Stimuli-Responsive Phase Transformation of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer. Langmuir, 2012, 28(28), 10584-10591.
  17. Li X., Han YC. Tunable wavelength antireflective film by non-solvent-induced phase separation of amphiphilic block copolymer micelle solution. J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21(44), 18024-18033.
  18. Li X., Han YC. Broadband antireflection of block copolymer/homopolymer blend films with gradient refractive index structures. J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21(15), 5817-5826.
  19. Li X., Gao JP., Xue LJ., Han YC. Porous Polymer Films with Gradient-Refractive-Index Structure for Broadband and Omnidirectional Antireflection Coatings. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20(2), 259-265.
  20. Gao JP., Li X., Li BY., Han YC. Fabrication of polymer antireflective coatings by self-assembly of supramolecular block copolymer. Polymer, 2010, 51(12), 2683-2689.