01/16/2025: Denton Children’s Museum STEM Day —We demonstrated the optical properties of liquid crystals to K-12 students by simply playing two polarizing sheets.

Lab students demonstrate the optical properties of liquid crystals to K-12 students.

09/27/2025: Dr. Li gave a seminar talk at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Texas at Dallas on the topic of “Functional Materials Enabled by Self-Assembly of Liquid Crystals into Multidimensional Structures”.

Dr. Li gives seminar

08/14/2024: UNT College Day—We opened our lab to freshmen in College of Engineering, using liquid crystal-based demonstration module to explain the working mechanism of LC display.

Freshmen visits lab.

6/10/2024: Dr. Li attended workshop on Assemblies of Nanomaterials at University of Chicago, sponsored by NSF SSMC program.

Group picture of all people attended the workshop

05/27/2024: Welcome Janelle Leija from Texas Woman's University to join us for a 10-week summer research on 'how banana shape molecules affect the assembly and stability of blue phase liquid crystals'.

04/27/2024: Dr. Li serves as a judge and session chair for ACS DFW Local Section, Meeting-In-Miniature/Materials Chemistry at University of Dallas.

04/12/2024: Congratulations to Mesonma Anwasi on winning 2023-2024 Undergraduate Research Fellowship by presenting her work on the topic of 3D printing of liquid crystal elastomers

Mesonma Anwasi

04/09/2024: Our collaborative research project with Dr. Ying Bao from Western Washington University, titled "Topological Defects and Dynamic Motion of Symmetry-breaking Tadpole Particles in Liquid Crystal Medium", has been funded by NSF-CBET. Thanks to Tasha, Sid and Xiaowei for the great work.

NSF logo

04/03/2024: Congratulations to Mesonma Anwasi on winning AEOP undergraduate internship from the Army DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center. She will spend two summer months to study 3D printing of liquid crystal elastomers, starting at June 24th. 

03/19/2024: Dr. Li was invited to give a talk at American Chemistry Society Spring Meeting at New Orleans, on the topic of 'Hierarchical helical structure of cholesteric liquid crystals enabled localized optical/mechanical control with nanoscale precision', which is in the session of 'Colloidal and Soft metamaterials' under division of colloidal and surface chemistry.

03/04-03/08/2024: Tejal, Akhila and Xiaowei attended American Physics Society March Meeting at Minneapolis to present their recent research work on topic of "Hierarchical helix structure of chiral liquid crystals", "Phase separation of homopolymer from liquid crystal network", and "tadpole particle self-assembly in liquid crystals".

Tejal, Akhila and Xiaowei in the meeting

03/01/2024: Dr. Li went to Stuber Elementary school to show kids in Kindergarten to 4th grade how to manipulate light using polarizer sheets.

Polarizer sheets and paintings on table with kids behind

02/28/2024: Dr. Li attended "Women in STEM" hosted by STEM Academy at Northwest ISD as a guest speaker, sharing her career path with young girls.

Women sitting in groups at the meeting

01/23/2024: Our research and educational project titled "Liquid Crystal-Templated Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Materials with Multidimensional Chiral Structures" has received the NSF CARRER Award! Thank you all for your hard work in winning this prestigious grant!

College of Engineering News | UNT Research and Innovation News

NSF CAREER Award logo   Dr. Li in lab with students


10/08/2023-10/11/2023: Ph.D student Akhila Joy presented poster at International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference at University of Colorado, Boulder. She got the opportunity to show our research work of the topic of porous liquid crystal elastomer, and received positive feedback. Meanwhile, she gained eye-opening insights to further strengthen her understanding of liquid crystal elastomers.

Akhila with her poster

10/05/2023: Ph.D students Akhila Joy and Xiaowei Wang presented their research work at the first annual UNT Research Day hosted by the Division of research and Innovation. Their presentations focused on 'Asymmetry-driven irregular topological defects and subsequent dynamic motion of tadpole particle in nematic liquid crystals', and 'Phase separation of homopolymer blended liquid crystal elastomers for creation of porous structures', respectively. They got great opportunity to network with diverse UNT researchers on campus and received very positive feedback.

Xiaowei and Akhila in front their posters

10/04/2023: Dr. Li attended the MS&T23 in Columbus, Ohio. She chaired the 'Advanced Materials for Harsh Environments' session II, and gave an invited talk on the topic of 'Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Templated Nucleation and Growth of Inorganic Materials'. MS&T23 webpage

Dr. Li at the conference

08/18/2023: Congratulations to  Mesonma Anwasi for receiving the Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) for the academic year 2023-2024. 

08/14/2023-08/15/2023: Dr. Li together with Prof. Martinez Gonzalez (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi), Prof. Sadati (University of South Carolina), and Prof. Armas-Perez (Universidad de Guanajuato) organized a symposium at 31st International Materials Research Congress 2023 at Cancun, Mexico. 

C3. Equilibrium and Beyond-Equilibrium Self-Organization in Soft Materials: A Symposium in Honor to Prof. Juan De Pablo (https://www.mrs-mexico.org.mx/imrc2023/symposium-C3)

Pictures from the symposium

07/26/2023-07/28/2023: Dr. Li attended Department of Defense HBCU/MI Opportunities Workshop at Washington, D.C. It's been a great opportunity to learn DoD programs and make new friends from different institutions.

Pictures from the workshop

05/17/2023: Dr. Li served as the judge for 'Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair' at Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. ISEF is the world's largest global pre-college science and engineering competition.

It's been a great pleasure to come across so many interesting projects being done by younger generations around the world.

Pictures from the fair

04/25/2023: Our recent work on liquid crystal defects dynamics entitled 'Dynamic Motions of Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals under Spatial Confinement' appears on Advanced Materials Interfaces.

Congratulations to Tejal and Sid, and Thank our collaborators Justin and Dr. Tierra from Mathematics Department!

Images from the research work

04/14-04/21: Our lab hosted STEM Field Trips for middle and high school students from: Denton Calvary Academy, Quest Collegiate Academy, Liberty Christian Academy, Starwood Academy and The Koan School.

Students have the opportunity to relate molecular-level structure to macroscopic properties, such as photonic crystal of blue phase liquid crystals and viscoelasticity of polymer films.

Pictures of students in the field trip

04/17/2023: What if liquid crystals could clean up oil spills? UNT's The lab - Our research was highlighted by UNT's YouTube series "The Lab"

04/07/2023: Dr. Timothy Bunning visited our lab. Had a very informative chat with him as the only one lab in UNT that does liquid crystal research. In the image below, from left to right: Dr. Bunning (Chief Technology Officer for Air Force Research Laboratory), Tejal Pawale (PhD student), Dr. Li.

Dr. Li with Dr. Bunning and PhD student Tejal Pawale

03/26-28/2023: Dr. Li attended "Texas Women in Higher Education" Annual Conference, networking with women employed at colleges and universities across the state.

Images below are showing inspired talk from Dr. Minita Ramirez, President from Laredo College.

The conferencePresentation screen

03/4-10/2023: Dr. Li and Tejal went to APS March meeting in Vegas, and give talks on topics of "Dynamic Motion Control of Topological Defects" and "Synergistic Self-Assembly of Monomers in Blue Phase Liquid Crystals", respectively. Looking forward to next year that we will have more group members to attend this event.

Tejal is giving presentation

Tejal gave excellent talk!!

02/23/2023: Dr. Xiao Li as the invited speaker at Women in STEM, STEM Academy at Northwest ISD to share with girls about her experience for preparing career and personal goals.

Kim Garrett on Twitter: "So excited to hear from Dr. Li from UNT about materials engineering! #WomeninSTEM @STEMAcademyNHS https://t.co/MaW4ywAWrM" / Twitter

Group picture at the event Dr. Li giving speech to the girls


11/14/2022: Dr. Xiao Li received a two-year ACS Petroleum Research Fund to study "Porous Liquid Crystal Elastomers for Dynamic Oil/Water Separation"

ACS PRF logo

11/12/2022: Dr. Xiao Li as the invited speaker at Fort Worth Museum of Science and History to give a Lightning Talk "Soft Photonic Crystals--Blue Phase Liquid Crystals". This is part of UNT Day at the Infinity Festival.

Festival flyerDr. Li giving talk

11/11/2022: Dr. Xiao Li as the invited speaker at the Texas Woman's University to give a seminar talk "Self-Assembly of Blue Phase Liquid Crystals into 3D Mesostructure for Soft Photonic Crystals".

Thank you so much for Dr. Gustavo Salazar's invitation!!

10/27/2022: Dr. Xiao Li as the invited speaker at the LeTourneau University at Longview to give a seminar talk "Directed Self-Assembly of Soft Materials--Liquid Crystals by Chemically Patterned Surfaces". 

Thank you so much for Dr. Gary DeBoer's invitation!!

10/04/2022: Our recent work on block copolymer self-assembly entitled 'Nonequilibrium Self-Assembly of Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Block Copolymers into an Asymmetric Nanostructure' appears on ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

Graphs from research work

Congratulations to Nataliia and Thank our collaborators Evan and Dr. Cui from Physics Department!

07/15/2022: Our recent work on liquid crystal entitled 'The Fate of Liquid Crystal Topological Defects on Chemically Patterned Surfaces during Phase Transitions' appears on Soft Matter, and is featured on the journal's front cover.

the cover image

Congratulations to Tejal and Xiaowei for their hard work!

05/24/2022: Our first work on blue phase liquid crystal entitled 'Synergistic self-assembly of rod-like monomers in blue phase liquid crystal for tunable optical properties' appears on Journal of Materials Chemistry C, and it's featured on the journal's back cover.

The journal back cover

Congratulations to Tejal and Savannah for their hard work!

05/15/2022: Natallia won the best Poster award at UNT Engineering Research Showcase.

Natallia poses with poster and laptop.

04/29/2022: Yuheng, Guanying and Yubing presented their senior design poster.

Yuheng, Guanying and Yubing with their poster

04/05/2022: Our TAMS students showcased their research at Scholars Day event.

03/29/2022: Natallia Hnatchuk successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Hnatchuk!

Natallia Hnatchuk poses with Dr. Li and another student.

03/2022: Our review article entitled ''Asymmetric polymer materials: Synthesis, structure, and performance" appears on the journal of Polymer .

Images from research work

Congratulations to Natallia and Tejal on the great job!

03/2022: Dr. Li presented the research work entitled "Self-Assembly of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Block Copolymer under Dissipative Solvent Vapor Annealing" at APS March meeting.


Dr. Li presented the research work entitled "Asymmetric Nanoparticle Interaction with Nematic Liquid Crystals" at AIChE annual meeting.  

Sid Hashemi received the 2021-2022 Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!

Three students (Savannah Cheng, Ramitha Mallavarapu, Leo Lu) from Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science have spent a wonderful summer with us, and presented their interesting research work at group meeting.

Meeting picture 1Meeting picture 2Meeting picture 3

Tejal passed qualification exam. Congratulations!

Please find our first chiral nematic liquid crystal paper published on Crystals! Congratulations to Zhixuan, Tejal and Sid!


Special Issue - Dr. Li announced the Special Issue "Nematic Liquid Crystals". Looking forward to your submission!

The flyer image

Dr. Li received Grant Award from Army Research Office for work related to block copolymer.

ARO logo

Sid Hashemi joined our group. Welcome!

Zhixuan Jia successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!

The group received the UNT Seed Grant for collaborative work with Dr. Ying Bao group.

Tasha Joy joined our group. Welcome!


September, 2019 Dr. Li joined University of North Texas

Welcome Nathalie Hnatchuk joined group as PhD student!

Welcome Zhixuan Jia and Tejal Pawale joined group as Master students!