W. Brostow, S. Khoja & R. Simoes, Sliding wear behavior of polymers studied with mesoscopic molecular dynamics, J. Mater. Sci. 2017, 52 , 1203. [pdf file]

I. Tekin, M.Y. Durgun, O. Gencel, T. Bilir, W. Brostow & H.E. Hagg Lobland, Concretes with synthetic aggregates for sustainability, Constr. & Building Mater. 2017, 133 , 425. [pdf file]

W. Brostow, H.E. Hagg Lobland, N. Hnatchuk & J.M. Perez, Improvement of scratch and wear resistance of polymers by fillers including nanofillers, Nanomaterials 2017, , 66. [pdf file]

D. Tobola, W. Brostow, K. Czechowski & P. Rusek, Improvement of wear resistance of some cold working tool steels, Wear 2017, 382-383 , 29. [pdf file]

W. Brostow, I.K. Chen & J.B. White, Effects of polymeric coatings on service life of bismuth telluride-based thermoelectric materials, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2017, , 1376. [pdf file]

A. Beycioglu, A. Gültekin, H.Y. Aruntas, O. Gencel, M. Dobiszewska & W. Brostow, Mechanical properties of blended cements at elevated temperatures predicted using a fuzzy logic model, Computer & Concrete 2017, 20 , 247. [pdf file]

R. Martinez-Flores, J. E. Camporredondo-Saucedo, H.A. Moreno-C, G. Gonzalez-Zamarripa, M. Corona-Romo, W. Brostow & H. E. Hagg Lobland, Mesophase microspheres from distillation and thermal treatment of coal tar,Chem. & Chem. Tech. 2017, 11 , 230. [pdf file]

W. Brostow, I.K. Chen, N. Hnatchuk, J. Hrbacek, A. Hull, R.H. Pahler & A. Srinivasan, Enhanced adhesion of polypropylene to copper substrates, Polymer Testing 2017, 63 , 158. [pdf file]

M. Gonzalez Torres, R. Rodriguez Talavera, C. Muñoz Torres, A. Martinez Torres, S. Vargas Muñoz & W. Brostow, Validation of a method to quantify platinum in cisplatin by inductively-coupled plasma, Chem. & Chem. Tech. 2017, 11 , 437. [pdf file]