Books / Contributed Chapters

  1. "Advanced Electronics Packaging with emphasis on Multi-Chip Modules,"(chapter 16, pp. 625-696) IEEE-Press Oct. 1999 NY, NY USA.
  2. "Materials Characterization Techniques," in revision process (in Persian)

Peer Review Journal Papers

  1. "A Solar Clothes Drying Apparatus for Suburban Applications," M. Plummer, D. Parris, S. Nasrazadani, Sustainable Communities Review, Winter Spring edition 2003.
  2. "Control of Growth Habit by Surfacant in Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Materials of the Layered Double Hydroxide Family," Z.P. Xu, P. Bratermann, H. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Brinker and S. Nasrazadani, Advanced Materials, (submitted for publication September).
  3. "Effect of Methane Concentration on Physical Properties of HFCVD Diamond Coated Cemented Carbide Tool Inserts," M.A. Taher, W.F. Schmidt, S. Nasrazadani, H.A. Naseem, W.D. Brown, and A.P. Malshe, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 33, No. 1-2, pp. 173-182, 1998.
  4. "Application of IR Spectroscopy for Study of Phosphoric and Tannic Acids Interactions with Magnetite, Goethite, and Lepidocrocite," S. Nasrazadani,Corrosion Science, Vol. 39, No. 10-11, pp. 1845-1859, 1997.
  5. "Effect of Methane Concentration on Mechanical Properties of HFCVD Diamond Coated Cemented Carbide Tool Inserts," M.A. Taher, W.F. Schmidt, W.D. Brown, S. Nasrazadani, H.A. Naseem, A.P. Malshe, Surface Coating and Technology, Vol. 86-87, 1996.
  6. "Laboratory Evaluation of Ozone as a Scale Inhibitor for Use in Open Recalculating Cooling Systems," S. Nasrazadani, T.J. Chao, Ashrae Transactions, Vol 102, part 2, pp. 65-72, 1996.
  7. "Characterization of a Crack in an Aluminum Bar Using an AC Magnetic Bridge," W.F. Schmidt, O.H. Zinke, and S. Nasrazadani, ASTM-STP 1251, pp.147-163, 1995.
  8. "A Comparison of Three Techniques for Measuring Strain at Fracture of Thin Film Materials," Thin Solid FilmsR.C. Goforth, B. Chandran, R.K. Ulrich, and S. Nasrazadani, Vol. 250, pp. 151-156, 1994.
  9. "A Systematic Study of the Synthesis of Useful Bulk Superconductor," Y. Xin, B.R. Xu, S. Nasrazadani, W.S. He, D.F. Lu, G.F. Sun, K.W. Wong, and D. Knapp, J. Materials Research, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 1672-1677, 1994.
  10. "The Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to the Study of Rust Systems," S. Nasrazadani and A. Raman, Corrosion Science, Vol 34, No. 8, pp. 1355-1365, 1993.
  11. "Formation and Transformation of Magnetite (Fe3O4) on Steel Surfaces Under Continuous and Cyclic Water Fog Test," S. Nasrazadani and A. Raman, Corrosion, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 294-300, 1993.
  12. "High Quality Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Thin Films Fabricated via Laser Ablation,"W.A. Luo, Y.Q. Tang, Y.Z. Chen, I.N. Chan, Y.J. Shi, X.C. Wang, M. Young, S. Nasrazadani, Z.Z. Sheng, G.J. Salamo and F.T. Chan, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.19-23, 1993.
  13. "Fabrication of Superconducting TlSr(Ca,Cr)Cu2O7 Thin Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium Diffusion," Y. Tang, W. Luo, Z. Chen, S. Nasrazadani,, F.T. Chen, G. Salamo, D.O. Pederson, and Z. Sheng, Japan J. appl. Phys., Vol. 31, pp. 31-32, 1992.
  14. "Morphology of Oxide Phases in the Scale Formed on Steels," S. Nasrazadaniand A. Raman, Practical Metallography, Vol. 28, pp. 295-304, 1991.
  15. "Comparison of Pb, Pb-Sb, Pb-V, Pb-Mo and Pb-W Substituted Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O," Y. Xin, Z.Z. Sheng, and S. Nasrazadani, Physica C, Vol. 176, pp. 179-188, 1991.
  16. "Packing Corrosion in Bridge Structures," A. Raman and S. NasrazadaniCorrosion, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 601-605, 1990.
  17. "Morphology of Rust Phases Formed on Weathering Steels in Various Laboratory Corrosion Tests," A. Raman, S. Nasrazadani, L. Sharma, Metallography, Vol. 22, pp. 79-96, 1989.
  18. "Morphology of Rust Phases Formed on Weathering Steels During Outdoor Atmospheric Exposure in Sheltered Location Under Bridges," A. Raman, S. Nasrazadani, L. Sharma, A. Razvan, Practical Metallography, Vol. 24, pp. 535-548, 1987.
  19. "Morphology of Rust Phases Formed on Weathering Steels During Outdoor Atmospheric Exposure in Open, Bold Locations," A. Raman, S. Nasrazadani, L. Sharma, Practical Metallography, Vol. 24, pp. 577-590, 1987.

Refereed Proceedings

  1. "Evaluation of Magnetite Coating for Temporary Protection of Carbon Steels," S. Nasrazadani, P. Vemuri, and S. Burckhard, Corrosion 2003, NACE paper # 3483, March 16-20,2003, San Diego CA, USA.
  2. "Self-assembly and multi phases in ZnAl-stearate-layer double hydroxide,"Zhi-Ping Xu, Paul Bratermann, and S. Nasrazadani, 224th American Chemical Society national meeting, Boston, MA, August 18-22, 2002.
  3. "Comparison of Four Slurry Coatings for Oxidation Resistance of a Low Alloy Steel," S. Nasrazadani, K. Raeissi, Corrosion 2002, NACE paper #2368, April 7-12, 2002, Colorado, USA.
  4. "Evaluation of Phosphoric and Tannic Acids as Corrosion Inhibitor for Clean and Rusted Low Carbon Steel," S.Nasrazadani, S. Carroll, Corosion NACExpo 2002, paper #2367, April 7-12, 2002, Colorado, USA.
  5. "Characterization of Cubic Boron Nitride," S. NasrazadaniProceedings of 2nd National Symposium on Non-ferrous Alloys, May 9-11 2000, Kerman Iran.
  6. "Corrosion Resistance Evaluation of Cr, Al Doped Magnetite Coatings on a Low Carbon Steel in 0.05M H2SO4 Solution," S. NasrazadaniProceedings of International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, Sponsored by Advanced Surface Engineering Division of American Vacuum Society (AVS), April 10-14 2000, San Diego, CA USA.
  7. "Characterization of Magnetite Black Coating," S. Nasrazadani and M. Khosravy, 3rd National Symposium on Surface Science sponsored by Iranian Surface Science and Technology (ISST), October 1999, Tehran Iran.
  8. "Study of High Temperature Oxidation of Ally Steels," S. Nasrazadani and K. Raeissi, 2nd National Steel Conference sponsored by Iranian Society of Iron and Steel, April 1999, Isfahan Iran.
  9. "Evaluation of Copper Electroplated Layers on Silicon Wafers," S. NasrazadaniProceedings of Sur/Fin '98, sponsored by American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers (AESF), June 22-26 1998, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
  10. "Laboratory Evaluation of the Effects of Ozone on Corrosion and Pitting of Engineering Alloys," S. NasrazadaniProceedings of the 2nd Arabian Corrosion Conference, October 12-15 1996, Kuwait.
  11. "Deposition and Stress Measurement of HFCVD Diamond Coating on Tool Inserts," M.A. Taher, J. Shultz, A.P. Malshe, S. Nasrazadani, H.A. Naseem, W.D. Brown, 4th International Symposium on Diamond Materials, May 21-26 1996, Reno, Nevada USA.
  12. "The Effect of Heat Treatment On Optimization of Magnetic Properties In Ba- Ferrite Permanent Magnets," J. Amighian, M. Mogaffari, S. Nasrazadani, M. Salehi,Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, IFHT'95, September 1995, Isfahan, Iran.
  13. "Experimental Investigation Of Tool Wear Monitoring By Cutting Force Vibration," Mohammad M. Ranjbaran, S. Nasrazadani, Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, IFHT'95, September 1995, Isfahan, Iran.
  14. "Diamond-like-Carbon Films Deposited by Low Temperature PECVD," R.A. Beera, W.D. Brown, S.S. Ang, H.A. Naseem, A.P. Malshe, R.K. Ulrich, S. Nasrazadani, and R.C. Goforth, IESP conference, September 25-28 1994, Atlanta, GA USA.
  15. "The Effects of Ag and Au Addition On the Degradation Process and Microhardness of Thalium Based Supeconductors," S. Nasrazadani, M.A. Taher, and Y. Xin, 123rd TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 1994, San Fransisco, California, USA.
  16. "Superconducting Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films on MgO Substrate, W. Luo, T. Tang, Y. Chen, S. Nasrazadani, M. Young, Z. Sheng, G, Salamo, and F.T. Chan, Proceedings of Beijing International Conference on High Tc Superconductivity '92, 1992, Beijing China.
  17. "Corrosion Problems in Some Louisiana Bridges and Suggested Remedies," A. Raman, and S. NasrazadaniCorrosion '90, paper # 165, April 17-21, 1990, New Orleans, LA USA.
  18. "Rusting Characteristics of Weathering Steels, Results from Various Accelerated Laboratory Corrosion Tests," S. Nasrazadani and A.Raman, Corrosion '87, March 9-13, 1987 paper #425 San Francisco CA USA.