Undergraduate Courses taught at UNT
- MEET 4350 Heat Transfer Applications
- MFET 3450 Materials Engineering
- ENGR 2301 Statics
- MEET 4990 Special Problems
Graduate Courses taught at UNT
- MTSC 5800 Electronic Packaging
- MSET 5010 Failure Analysis and Electron Microscopy
- MSET 5030 Product Design and Development
- MSET 5950 Thesis
- MSET 5990 Special Problems
Undergraduate courses taught at other institutions
- Physical Properties of materials
- Advanced Materials Laboratory
- Corrosion Engineering
- Materials Characterization
- Thermodynamics
- Engineering Use of Computers
- Engineering Graphics
Graduate courses taught at other institutions
- Physical Metallurgy
- Thin Films Materials
- Advanced Corrosion (Advanced Electrochemistry)